
Friday, October 6, 2023

pump-kings and inkings

It definitely feels like fall now. I had to break out long pants and long sleeves this week - fleece even!

This morning, I was out enjoying a run around town with temperatures in the 40s.  I turned a corner and came upon this rival of Charlie Brown's legendary Great Pumpkin. 

 It was just sitting there next to someone's driveway in a residential neighborhood, and I thought maybe it was factory made? But no, upon further inspection, I saw it was an actual pumpkin. It had to be at least 3 feet in diameter. What sort of hoisting equipment got it up onto that wall?

I looked to the right and saw, lingering in a mess of foliage, the pumpking's possibly bigger brother laying about.

Such a massive mound of pumpkin, it seemed freakishly huge to me. What is in that soil?  Clearly, someone there knows how to  grow a squash. 

In other news of October, I've managed to keep my head above water with Inktober prompts so far this year, managing 6 ink drawings in the first 6 days. 

Birds, bugs, and rodents seem to be emerging themes. 


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

2. Share something you made progress on.


John Holton said...

Now that there is a pumpkin! Do you think it came out of the patch at the house?

Abby said...

John, I think yes. That great pumpkin was homegrown!

Allstarme79 said...

I love pumpkins! I used to read this book to my kids about two mice who each tended to this one pumpkin, unbeknownst to each other, and they had some method of using sugar water to make it grow. Maybe that's what the owners did there!

Abby said...

Allstarme79, cute! Not sure how they did it, but those pumpkins are impressive.

Liz Hinds said...

You are very talented! What a pumpkin!

KatBouska said...

I grew a pumpkin this year! They are so satisfying because their giant green foliage just takes off with a mind of it's own and you never know what will come of it all. I was hoping for a couple more, but can't imagine growing one that size! They must fertilize like crazy!