
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

mish mash

Late to the weekend mashup...

  • Last week was a good mix of busy and relaxing as it started with a day off. Now that Labor Day has passed, it feels more like school time at the college. 

The interview process continues for our new boss position. We should know the selection shortly. Party Girl has been serving on the selection committee and sneaks little insights to us when Assistant Boss is out of hearing range. 

One candidate is apparently highly qualified to the point of being over qualified. Red flags include, will she just do the job for a few months before moving to a Dean position? My other concern is that she would have trouble working under our former boss who has been promoted one level above. Bottom line, Assistant Boss is still in the running but not in the bag.

  • I scribed again for "Ben", this time for a full length unit exam. It's so hard to keep my mouth shut when he makes mistakes.

  • A few months ago, Magnum and I ended our gym membership and got season recreation passes that give us access to various city amenities including gyms and pools. The season passes were a cheaper option than the gym we belonged to at the time. 

We started regularly going to the gym housed inside the city's Senior Center because its closest to where we live. It's a decent enough gym, but limited. Last week, I visited yet another gym - also close by. It's much better than our old gym and not much more expensive. Gonna switch. 

There, I now feel mashed enough to get on with the week. Off to work in a bit. 

I remember when blogs were "the new thing to do", and I read a few before starting my own way back in the old days. I read one that was a dude just blogging about day-to-day stuff he'd done during the week, and I thought, "why am I reading this?" but had to admit it was kind of relaxing.

And here we are.


Linda Sue said...

Blogging has gone through a lot , haven’t we all? Before the narcissism of Facebook blogs tended to be selfies and self promo. A lot of fashionista crap.. then art comunity took over , the highlight of blog world , now it is more of a daily journal keeping not targeting an audience it seems , more of a keeping track. Sometime we happen upon a blog that resonates- like yours does.

Allstarme79 said...

Yeah I still like to read the stuff people are doing. Maybe it's an "older" person things now but whatever.

Marty said...

After spending too much time with news and politics, I rush to the land of blogs for relief. You're right - other people's day-to-day is soothing.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, it is fun to hit those that resonate! And even when they take a trip to a faraway land 🙂 , they're always "here"

Allstarme79, yep, seems to be more for the older crowd these days, but I don't mind. If the shoe fits...

Marty, so true. Benign existence ftw.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

That has to be difficult to see them (ben) make a mistake and fight the urge to tell him the answer. I so wish to join our local Y. It is really quite nice. But I just don't have time after a 10 hr day with Rick's stuff I'm whooped. Hopefully soon.

Abby said...

Peggy, yes, hopefully soon!

Danielle L Zecher said...

That's awesome that your city has gyms and pools.

It is kind of weird to think about reading about the mundane parts of someone's life, but it's also oddly interesting. None of the bloggers I read regularly are very similar to me, so I think maybe that's what makes it interesting. What's mundane/boring for them is different for me.

Abby said...

Danielle, yep, one person's mundane is another's interesting.

Jeanette said...

There are a few blogs I read that a just day to day stuff. I feel like if I did that nobody would read it! My day to day is pretty boring!

Abby said...

Jeanette, don't be so sure. I prefer "boring" to overly filtered influencers and pranksters any day.