
Friday, July 7, 2023

paparazzi life


This past week, we were dog sitting Chaco's dog, Ella, while Chaco was out of town. I'd say she and our dogs have become pretty comfortable seeing this as Ella's home away from home. She settles in well with the daily routine, and Chaco gets majorly cheap dog boarding.

Even the cat, with whom Ella cannot be left alone, tolerates her presence for the most part.  He hangs out in his room of choice while being separated from the dogs and lets us know when he'd like to change his room of choice. His humans are well trained.

Chaco checks in on her occasionally, and I try to send him pics when he does. Clearly, though, Ella doesn't seem to like having her picture taken. She'll be sitting in picture-perfect form or outside basking in nature, but as soon as I get my phone out, *zhoop* she turns around or dashes off.

One evening, while out for a walk, I was able to capture her standing still. Well, it was the back of her head, but at least she was still. I knew if I went around to her front, she'd pull a blur move. But we managed a temporary sit still moment. 

The bunnies understood the assignment.


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

5. Show us a recent photo you took and let it inspire your blog post.


Linda Sue said...

The bunnies have taken their job admiringly- seriously- well trained! dog ear also doing its best to not be camera shy. Well done, human.

John Holton said...

I love it: the cat lets you know when he'd like to move to another room. He's got you trained. Been there, done that....

Patty Sparano said...

Cats...definitely rule the roost!

Any photos of our daughter's dogs always result in that same "blur"...for some reason, when the camera is pointed in their direction...they cringe. The only acceptable photos are video-oriented, dogs running madly through the yard, chasing the same ball or heading for the doggy pool.

Cats...just don't care!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, the stars aligned.

John, we all know who the alpha is around here.

Patty, I may have to resort to video. Cats are the honey badgers of domestic pets.