
Friday, January 13, 2023

sharpest tool in the shed?

Walking along, minding my own business, and there it was. Yet another one.

On a typical sidewalk along a regularly traveled street, right in my path, I came upon a cleaver pocket knife. I didn't even know of such a thing as a cleaver pocket knife, but I picked it up, opened it, and thought, "Hmm, looks like a small cleaver in the form of a pocket knife". And I learned that's what it is. 

Why does this happen to me?

This cleaver pocket knife is now the 5th similar pocket knife thing I've found while walking along, minding my own business - over the course of a couple years. I rarely discover anything else while out walking around, other than trash, dog poop, etc. It's knives or nothing. Here's the collection:

Standard household item for scale

All of them are similar in size, function, and materials. Not a red Swiss Army or other among them. The cleaver is the latest addition to the involuntary collection. I'll note that all of these implements are in pretty good shape with sharp blades - effective for cutting down corrugated cardboard boxes for recycling - among other things, I imagine.

What is the universe trying to tell me? Why is it sending me these handy sharp things? Do I seem vulnerable, weak, in need of assistance and weaponry? Is it prepping me for some approaching apocalypse? An apocalypse where I will need to cut various boxes and such?

I don't know what to do with them all, and I realize they're starting to cramp my minimalist lifestyle. 

Anyone need a sharp thing?


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

5. Share something that made you think this week.


BootsandBraids said...

How odd. You're the pocketknife whisperer. Or ... maybe it's something like when my sister passed away, she said she'd leave quarters to let us know she's still around in some way shape manner or form. Since then, I've found quarters on the ground at my car door, on my path to See's candy store, on the floor of the Pain Cave and just two weeks ago, Trainer saw a quarter underneath the equipment I was working on. When he recently found a nickel, he asked, "Is this someone you know? LOL.

The Happy Whisk said...

Before I read, standard household item for scale I thought, wow, you found all those blades AND a fresh banana?

Abby said...

BootsandBraids, ha! at the "Is this someone you know?"
And now I'm wondering who is sending me knives from the other side??

Happy Whisk, now that would REALLY be a mystery!

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe the universe is telling you that you are walking in a dangerous area!

John Holton said...

Maybe a leprechaun is leaving them behind...

Abby said...

Chatty, hmmm, the latest find was near a daycare?

John, that's it. The only plausible explanation!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

You'll have enough soon for your own girl gang; now all that's left, is to choreograph a dance routine a la West Side Story!

Abby said...

Sandy, Yes! The girls-with-found-knives gang, ready to rumble!

KatBouska said...

Oh this is fascinating! A friend of mind crashes technology a suspicious amount of time. My sister constantly finds herself behind cars with her initials. I swear streetlights burn out in my presence more than is normal for other people. But you find knives! That is a new one!!