
Sunday, January 1, 2023

day one, digout, and dishes


Looks like we've made it to the first of January. Congratulations, everyone.

The revelry at our house was pretty non-existent. We were up at midnight, having watched a weird movie. So I was up and not awakened by fireworks, brushing my teeth at the magic hour.

The movie we were watching was Sorry to Bother You, and it was strange. Had its moments, but then went totally off the rails for about the last third. Can't recommend it. Seems to me it was someone's drug trip/ dream turned into a movie.

We took Chaco back to his house on Friday, our dogs moping around because they miss him and Ella. He lives at what is typically a little over an hour's drive away in Westminster. Dang, they got about a foot of snow there last week from the storm that dropped around 4 inches here. 

Chaco's still in the sling and doing very light PT for another couple of weeks before the bigger PT kicks in. This to say that Magnum and I had some snow shoveling to do at Chaco's.

Otherwise, it's been a nice week of being off of work. I readied some items for donation and scheduled a pickup. Good to start off the new year with a little purge of the old.

We're scheduled to receive our 2nd new dishwasher this week. The first crapped out after a couple of weeks - got stuck in an error mode and couldn't be brought back to life, even after all the troubleshooting. We've been washing dishes by hand for a while now, and it's not all bad.

But in honor of Josephine Cochran, I will accept the new dishwasher - different brand than the first dud - with fingers crossed.

You go, Jo!


Chatty Crone said...

It's funny we think we can't live without dishwashers and then we learn we can. Glad you are getting one though. Looks complicated.

Linda Sue said...

I had the dishwasher removed when we moved into this house ages ago. I really don[t like dishwashers- never know who is in charge and what dishes have been washed, besides how would I ever get my fingernails clean if I did not hand wash?

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

One January we bought new appliances. I would die for those appliances now. I had the best dishwasher ever made I swear. After the duds we had we decided to spend the money. We did consumer reports and checked out all these brands. We knew what we wanted when we went into the store but looked at everything anyway. It was on sale so we bought it.(Bosch) Best decision. So quiet, and boy did it clean. No silverware on the bottom either taking up needed real estate. Yes, I can wax poetic about a dishwasher how pathetic is that? When we bought this house last year they had just purchased a med range GE set. Not the cheapest but not far off. I can't afford those appliances I used to have today. And I wish I never did because these poor appliances are very bad in comparison. Difficult to have great and then go to not very good but tolerable. LOL. I hope your new dishwasher is quiet and cleans wonderfully!

Abby said...

Sandie, washing dishes by hand isn't so bad. My parents never had one, it's like being a kid again :)

Linda Sue, you speak the truth!

Peggy, I never gave appliances the love they deserved until we moved into this house full of rental equipment - lowest end of the end.

Jeanette said...

I actually enjoy washing dishes by hand sometimes! It sooths my soul to have my hands in hot soapy water! Hope this next dishwasher is a good one. My son has a Bosch and it's the quietist dishwasher I've ever heard!