
Thursday, November 3, 2022

big minions, teeny hulks, and a chicken in every pot

We had our best Halloween yet since moving here. Our first was Halloween 2020, which was a bust for reasons we shall not speak. Last year was cold and wet and brought two or three groups of diehard trick-or-treaters. 

This year was a pleasant evening. I lost count of the moochers, and we nearly ran out of candy. I mainly recall two very large Minions and a teeny tiny Hulk.

Speaking of junk and food, two or three weeks ago, I decided to put a concentrated effort into eating more protein. I'd read on another blog that people need more protein as they age, so I ran with that since all blogs are pure fact. I did eventually google a bit and learn:

"Protein tissue accounts for 30% of whole-body protein turnover but that rate declines to 20% or less by age 70. The result of this phenomenon is that older adults require more protein/kilogram body weight than do younger adults" - SOURCE

Okay, I'm not 70, but I'm quite sure I'm on the other side of the peak.

But no food logs/ journals here or counting the macros - nothing quite so scientific. I just decided to up the protein - mainly in the form of eggs and chicken, maybe an occasional helping of pig (since I stopped eating cows years ago). This to supplement my usual sporadic dairy sources.

Now I'm sort of wishing I did geek out a bit and have some numbers to compare - some before and afters - because I am feeling different/ better.

Mainly, I feel I have more energy in general. Maybe a little faster on the morning slog/jogs, a little stronger on my gym game. I'm not ready to throw all my thanks on the chicken gods just yet however, because 

  1. I decreased my caffeine intake at around the same time I upped the protein, so maybe I'm sleeping better?
  2. We've had some recent overnight freezes that have adeptly been killing off the pesky allergens.
  3. Perhaps the last vestiges of COVID crud I had last summer are finally leaving.
  4. Or it's all just placebo affect.

When I worked in the dietary department at the nursing home, I scratched the surface of nutrition science. One of my coworkers was a (female) body builder attending grad school to become a registered dietician. 

Strange "sport", bodybuilding. Vee, the bodybuilder, would drink gobs of water everyday - maybe supplemented with something. Going in to a competition, she took in hardly any liquid and would become so dehydrated so as to maintain the "cut" look. It's not how you feel, it's how you look.

I'm about the feels.


John Holton said...

I'd probably say "All of the above" to why you're feeling better and more energetic: you've upped your protein, cut out caffeine and are thus sleeping better, the overnight freezes are knocking out the allergens, you're getting over the crud, and there's probably a psychological component as well. Happy all is well with you...

Abby said...

John, thanks 😊, "all of the above" is likely correct.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The 'feels' above all else is where I am at today. I can't function without protein daily. I eat a lot of it. I find i have more energy. I have been on a lot of diets over the years. When I got celiac and had to relearn to eat I had some real stumbling blocks. If I had too many grains I had tummy issues or I'd just be hungry again. If I only ate a vegetarian way of life, which I did for only 6 months, I was always tired. So now I go with what works for me and I think every person is different. Chickpeas have about 10-15 grams of protein for 1/2 cup. I eat a lot of these puppies. I eat protein, veggies and fruit only. (okay and chocolate) Eggs are my lifeline - I make a lot of different things with eggs like my cupcakes of quiche. Oooh, I took one the other morning for my morning walk. Eggs and veggies the size of a cupcake are a perfect quick snack or meal.

Linda Sue said...

Glad to hear about the feels in better days of energy and well being. Another factor is likely that the orange is beginning to fade , getting used to Biden our time. Must keep ourselves well for the next drama/threat/war/whatever. Winter comes and carbohydrates are my means of getting to a happy place. Fat and happy- it is true!

Abby said...

Peggy, I think every person is different too. Now I'm gonna make some quiche cupcakes!

Linda Sue, yup, likely many factors going on. We're all just made up of explosion dust anyway.

betty said...

So neat to have a good Halloween! I do like giving out candy but since we went trick/treating with grandson, we got no trick or treaters here (but had bought candy so you know who is eating it, lol). I'm a protein-oholic if there is such a word. Years ago I lost weight by being on a high protein diet and hardly any carbs. I've eaten more normally now but I need protein at every meal and I can tell if I don't get enough of it. I kind of slump through the day. Good for you though with decreasing your caffeine intake! That's a plus too!


Abby said...

Betty, we don't really decorate for Halloween anymore, and don't know the younger families in the area, so it was nice to get all the trick-or-treaters. I'm probably a carb-oholic and let protein get put on the back burner. Protein's time to shine!
I was drinking up to 25 ounces of coffee most days. I cut back to 10 to 15 ounces. No regrets.

Jeanette said...

I too am all about the feels! I say everything you are doing is contributing to you feeling better!

Abby said...

Jeanette, I remember Vee telling me how she was barely able to walk upright after a bodybuilding competition because she was so dehydrated. I don't see the point of it, but she'll probably be a great dietician.

ShadowRun300 said...

I’m all about the feels too. It’s amazing what a little change in your diet can do for you. I know protein is important, but I’ve not heard about needing more as you age. Thanks for the little tip!
Nice that you had a great Halloween! Living in an apartment, we don’t get to experience the tiny hulks and big minions. I miss it. I don’t miss the candy though. The temptation is so great! One for me… one for you…

Abby said...

ShadowRun300, yep, no need to keep the sweets around. I'm glad ours was mostly all pilfered!