
Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Happy 5th of July. I'm glad to be over the hump that is Independence Day in the US. I engaged in nothing celebratory, and it was another day of homeboundness.

I don't typically like to be at home so much and am not used to it. My house is now quite clean as cleaning has become an activity of choice to help chase the quarantine boredom and also get some payoff.  I'm feeling reasonably well now, but still testing positive on the home test.

And I can't smell a darn thing.

I noticed yesterday, while I was (naturally) cleaning, that the Windex didn't smell like anything. Windex typically has a distinct smell, but this time, it had no smell whatsoever.  So I then began smell testing my other cleaning supplies and got a whole lot of nothing. Even smelling white distilled vinegar was like smelling tap water. Odd feeling.

My sense of taste seems to slowly be returning, so I'm hoping the same will eventually kick in for my smell buds.  In the meantime, I've spokenn with the "COVID response team" at work, and I'm cleared to return as long as:

  • I no longer have symptoms
  • it's been at least 5 days since the onset of symptoms

Technically, I've still got the lack-of-smell thing going on, but they brush that one aside. 

So my next scheduled shift is this Thursday, and I'll be back at it. 🙂

But enough of Tales of the Infirm.  I don't harbor hatred for my job. It's no dream job, but it's a good fit for now. One recent day, Assistant Boss asked me if I would do his job for x-amount of money.

"PFFFT, no!", I was quick to reply.  I thought he was joking because we'd just dealt with an annoying technical issue. I felt he was playing all, "I'm out, you take over!"

But then I realized he was being serious. So I asked him, "Why? You leaving?"

He went on to explain his question by suggesting that Boss is probably on the brink of retiring, and he - Assistant Boss - would go for the Boss position, thereby creating an opening for Assistant Boss.  Would I want it?

Honestly, my answer is still "PFFFT, no!", but I told him I would consider it when/ if the time came.

I've found that most professions I would enjoy doing full-time require recent work experience and/or education that I don't have. I don't want to put money into more education at this point since I'm 57 years old, and a fresh degree/ license/ certificate is no guarantee of fulfilling full-time employment. I'm not ready to "retire".

I'm okay with the present compromise - a couple of decent side gigs in lieu of a fully satisfying front gig and time to wander around with dogs and to prattle away on this blog. 


Linda Sue said...

57 PFFFT, you have time for maybe seven more degrees- I was 57 once, when i was a baby.
Probably smart to turn down a hefty job with way too much demanding responsibility, who needs it? Life- too short!
I want you to get your nose back and to be well and to draw your fabulous draws. You sparkle!!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, you're too kind. And I would get one or more of those seven degrees if I thought they'd be worth much in the job market. Life - getting shorter!

betty said...

I get you about not really wanting to get more education, etc. I felt that way at 57 and still feel that way very close to 65. If you have something you enjoy doing and it provides the income you want, why allow more stress or having to go back to school, etc. That's my motto at least!

My grandson tested positive for several weeks even though he had no symptoms. The school finally told his parents to bring him back to school since he had missed so many days. He was symptom free for days. It is just weird how that goes.

I would be disappointed not being able to smell my Pine-Sol lol. I hope your sense of smell does come back. Like I mentioned before, we didn't lose sense of smell or taste, we just lost our appetite. Food did not sound good or look good.

Glad you'll be free to return to work come Thursday! I know it will feel good to get out of the home!


Abby said...

Betty, it's not so much the stress of school I mind. It's that even with a fresh degree, it's tough to get hired after 50 without recent relevant work experience. I see stories of people earning degrees late in life, and a job offer in the field doesn't typically follow. But for them, the degree was the end goal. Got to be more creative now 🙂
This virus is strange how it affects so many people so differently. Pine Sol, ha!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you are getting better. Bummer to do all that cleaning and not experience that fresh, clean smell!

Abby said...

Jeanette, thanks. Yes, everything smells like nothing 😒

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Normally taste and smell go hand in hand and if you are getting one back I would think that is a good sign. But I'm no Dr. Fauci so I don't know.
I've always been asked questions like you just got for the Assistant Boss job. It was always in a job that I felt was temporary but they wanted me to stay and be this or that. Funny how that works isn't it?

Abby said...

Peggy, some jobs are nice in a part-time setting, but I wouldn't want to do them full time. This is one of those.