
Saturday, July 9, 2022


I was enjoying an indulgent bicycle joyride earlier this week, rounded a corner, and oh deer. 

She decided she didn't want to socialize with me and left, but not before I was able to snap a quick pic.

I'm done with COVID, or it's done with me as well as the rest of the family. Because of the 4th of July holiday, I only missed one day of work. My coworkers expressed their appreciation and bestowed this card upon my return.

Inside says "Mew got this!" because we're all a bit crazy cat people.

They joked that the original intent was to mail it to my sick bed, but since I survived, they just handed it to me.

Boss said, "We talked and realized: you ride your bike to work, exercise, eat healthy foods, and you're the first of us to get COVID. So yeah, we're not gonna do any of that stuff"

Meanwhile, we also had three dogs for a week. Chaco's dog stayed with us while he was out of town, so some extra walking time. Ella's a good pooch, and I think Merlin was mildly depressed when she left to go back home.

Speaking of pets and crazy cat people, coworker Party Girl got a cat for her cognitively challenged dad. He loves the cat, but isn't so good at taking care of her. In the meantime, Party Girl has one dog, and her husband had made it clear from the get go that he doesn't want any more pets.  

He's smart enough to see that this is Party Girl's backdoor way of getting a cat. The plot thickens. Who will prevail?

Oh... the drama.


Linda Sue said...

Clearly the cat will win and what a good idea. something to consider...

Abby said...

Linda Sue, yep I can see it already. "Okay, we'll take the cat in, but it stays in that one room!" *Cat takes over the house*

betty said...

I guess your coworkers won't be going down the healthy route, lol, if they want to avoid Covid :) That was sweet they got that card for you though! Oh deer is right! So cute though! I bet the cat gets to go to Party Girl somewhere down the line. I bet she'll have a way of convincing her husband it needs to live with them :) We are no longer mandated to wear masks at work as of yesterday (just one week we had to lol), but it is strongly encouraged :) My DIL's company, Stitch Fix, rescinded their mandatory mask wearing too as of yesterday. Guess we aren't in the high zone any more here in Phoenix :)


Abby said...

Betty, I was pleasantly surprised by the card :)
Our positive covid cases have climbed, but hospitalizations are not (yet) an issue. No mask mandates here.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I am not a cat person. I am scared to death of them.Thankfully my husband is not fond of cats as pets either so I lucked out. Yet everyone we know has one. So then I can't go to their homes. I even tried hypno-therapy to rid myself of this fear because it is all encompassing. I recalled something and it scared the death of me and I never went back.So much for that. I'm a loser!

Abby said...

Peggy, I know and I'm sorry that cat's scare you. You're not a loser! I'm sure you have your reasons. It's good to be on the same page with a partner on these things. I don't know why Party Girl's husband doesn't like pets in general, but he doesn't.