
Friday, December 18, 2020

maybe next round, and gimme 15 minutes?

I took the cat to the vet's for his annual checkup and shots earlier this week.  As I was putting him into his carrier, he had a sudden epiphany that he didn't want to go and gave me the finger.

Spoiler alert:  he still ended up going to the vet.  He's got the rabies shot, and I've got the wounds to show for it.  Yes, I know cat scratch fever is in actual thing, and happily, I don't have it... yet.

Speaking of shots and diseases, we got a memo at work informing us that our facility will have the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine available to any staff or resident who wants it within the next couple of weeks.  For now, it isn't required for employment, but it likely will be once the vaccine is more widely available. We were each asked to indicate one of three choices:

  1. Yes!  Sign me up!
  2. Nope, but maybe later.
  3. Maybe, but I have questions.

I submitted the "Nope, but maybe later" option.  I'm not an anti-vaxxer, and naturally I hope the vaccine takes us out of the COVID wars, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer.  I also got an email from my allergist office as there have been risks associated with allergic reactions to the vaccine.  They've deemed me as relatively low risk for severe allergic reaction, saying I should feel free to get the shot, but hang out and be observed for about 15 minutes afterward.  

So this all feels like good activity.  Is this the beginning of the end, a good end?

The cat's over there looking at me like, "You can't get COVID if I take you out first"


LL Cool Joe said...

I think I would have answered the same about the vaccine, I will have it but I want to wait to see how the people do have it, cope. If they all start growing a second head, I may wait.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I wish it were, it doesn't feel like it though.

Abby said...

LLC Joe, second heads, mutant babies. Maybe I read/watch too much sci fi/ dystopia.

Peggy, hopefully soon this time will be a fuzzy memory. Maybe the vaccine will give us dementia?