
Sunday, August 25, 2019

broken bones and bon appétit?

On Friday, I had to get my commuter bicycle from the shop and decided to ride the bus to pick it up and then ride the bicycle back home since there's a stop right at the bike shop.  I was waiting in the bus shelter when a middle-aged guy hobbled over and joined me.  He was wearing a back brace like what furniture-and-appliance movers wear.

"How's your day going?", he asked me in a somewhat slow drawl.

"Not too bad", I replied, "how 'bout you?"

"Well... my ribs are still broken", he said, explaining the back brace and lack of furniture and/or appliance.

Taking the bait, I asked him how he'd broken his ribs.  Without speaking, he pointed animatedly at my bicycle helmet in my lap.

He went on to say he'd gone over the handlebars of his mountain bike, told me a little about his bike (a nice one) and mountain biking in Moab, Utah.

As he was talking, though, his speech was rather slurred.  I wondered if he was mentally challenged, but that picture didn't actually line up with the high-end bike he described and adventure trips to go biking in Moab.

His bus pulled up,  and I said good-bye since I was waiting for the next one.  He stumbled/weaved/staggered his way to the bus, and it occurred to me that he was quite intoxicated.  Self medicating?

I plan to go shopping later today and get ingredients for some decent vegetarian dishes.  One does not live by PB&J alone.

I've been finding appealing recipes and pantry lists but have yet to cook anything.  Enough research already!

Tiffany's memorial service was yesterday.  As expected, there was quite a large turnout, and not a dry eye in the house.  But the service was very well done, I think Tiffany would be happy with it.

So I've lost my vegetarian mentor, but not the inspiration.


Chatty Crone said...

I hope the man was okay. That you got your bike. I love peanut butter and jelly but not every day. Have you noticed a change? sandie

LL Cool Joe said...

I think if I'd broken my ribs I'd get pissed too. :D

I'm glad Tiffany's memorial service went okay. Not an easy day I'm sure.

Abby said...

Chatty, I haven't noticed much of a change... yet. When I first went veg, before falling off the wagon, I started feeling somewhat lower on energy after a couple months or so. That's when I realized I had some things to learn.

Joey, I've had cracked ribs before, but I think his were worse than mine. Maybe the drinking is part of the reason he crashed in the first place?
Tiffany will be greatly missed, but she had a good send off.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

You look fabulous in this photo.
I'm sorry you had to attend a funeral for such a great friend. I hope being with all her friends and loved ones was cathatic.
I give you so much credit for the vegetarian route. I can't do it. I did it for 3 weeks and I just had no energy and I also just missed meat. My stepdaughter went this route for several years and I'd buy cookbooks so I had ideas to feed her. The only thing anyone liked was my own recipe of vegetable lasagna. Then one day she called me to tell me Stouffers had a vegetable lasagna and it was really good. So next time she came I bought that. I was being lazy. I can't eat the noodles but everyone including my big carnivore Rick loved it. So there is a lazy option should you not wish to start from scratch. Unless you're vegan then this had cheese.

Abby said...

Peggy, thanks. Actually the ONLY lasagna I make is vegetarian. I found the recipe many years ago when I cooked for the whole family, and it was one thing everyone liked despite it being meatless. Super easy too, thanks for the reminder :). Not going full vegan, I like eggs and dairy too much. Someday?? I think I'll allow myself some fish now and then, too. "Pescatarian" because... sushi.
The sadness of Tiffany's death lingers, but you're right. It's been very bonding for those of us left behind.

Anita said...

Just picked up my very old bike from the shop today. I'm glad I read the post because I'm now reminded to ride it in the morning if the effects of Dorian are minimal or non-existent.

RIP Tiffany.