
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

dead set on living

On  Friday,  I was in denial.  By Sunday, I'd given in to the fact that I was yet again another victim of the common cold.  Now it's Tuesday, and I'm coming around.

I'm reminded of the 2005 remake of "War of the Worlds".  Remember?  Tom Cruise?  In the movie, the aliens come to harvest us earthlings but end up *spoiler alert* 
dying from our earthly germs in rather dramatic fashion.

Martian with a cold

So I'm getting over a cold.  I'm grateful I'm not a Martian.


Chatty Crone said...

my daughter is coming down with one and I pray I don't get it.

I don't know if you noticed, but I've been gone for a couple of weeks - my computer crashed and it has taken me forever to get myself going again and I am totally back yet. I may not go back and answer all your letters, but I am here.


Abby said...

Chatty, yes I know of your computer troubles. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you avoid that virus!

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh dear, I hope your cold has gone now. I've never seen War of the Worlds. :D

Abby said...

Joey, thanks. War of the Worlds was actually better than I expected!