
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

thanks, may I have another?!

About 17 years ago, I had a toothache.

I went to the dentist.  Dentist said I needed a root canal.

Dentist performed a root canal and gave me a crown.

My tooth felt much  much better, and I wore my crown well.

This past Sunday night, I had a tinge of pain in my tooth.

By Monday afternoon, I could feel my heartbeat in my tooth?

Called the dentist, and got an appointment for this morning because blizzard's coming tomorrow.

Dentist says my 17-year-old root canal likely needs a redo.

That's a thing?

Googled.  Yes, that's a thing.

*SNIFF*  I thought it was forever...


Morgan Cartwright said...

Ugh! Does it have a warranty? Like you get to pay 17 years ago price for it? I hope it's quick and relativity painless for you!

Annsterw said...

Mine never last 17 years!! Either mine have a shorter shelf life or you take take WAY better care of your teeth!!! I am betting the latter!!! HA HA! Good luck with the new crown! HA HA! Annster's Domain

John Holton said...

Bummer... I had the same thing happen to me.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh no! Say it ain't so. I thought it was forever as well.
I'm so sorry.

LL Cool Joe said...

But I thought a root canal was when they drilled down the root, killed the nerve and then filled the root again. How can it need redoing??

Abby said...

Morgan, I like your idea of a warranty! Unfortunately, dentists and dental insurers don't agree :(

Ann, yes well at least I'm getting a new crown out of this.

John, ouch. Sorry. But I'm glad I'm not some lone weirdo.

Peggy, I feel betrayed.

Joey, apparently, some of the roots are well hidden - the dentist misses them on the first go - just waiting for their big moment. In my case, the moment is now.

ShadowRun300 said...

Aw man! Sorry to hear that. Funny it took 17 years for them to come out of hiding. Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Chatty Crone said...

I thought a root canal was when they drilled down the root, killed the nerve and then filled the root again. How can it need redoing?? - per Joey I thought this was true too? I don't get it.

I have a tooth that might be giving me trouble too.

Abby said...

SR300, the dentist said, "Well, at least it worked for 17 years". Didn't particularly make me feel better.

Chatty, I thought so too! I hope your tooth troubles are gone soon. Maybe we could both use a good tooth fairy.

Brian said...

My spousal unit is headed down this same path. One difference is that the dentist says he can't replace the crown because of the direction of the underlying defect. This will be our introduction to dental implants.

Pearl said...

Several years ago I had a top tooth that was killing me, but it was an old root canal tooth. The dentist didn't believe me, said it was a sinus infection and sent me to my dr. The dr. laughed and said I my sinuses weren't in that area. He sent me back to the dentist who again said it couldn't hurt and said go back to my dr.

Finally a very smart dental tech took an x-ray of my tooth at the very top of my gums away from the tooth. There was a pocket of infection that had developed where they hadn't totally cleaned out the canal.

A trip to the oral surgeon where he cut open the gum in the area and cleaned out the infection soon had me feeling better.

A root canal is supposed to kill the root and they are supposed to clean it out completely.

Abby said...

Brain, good luck to the spousal unit. Implants, crowns, I'm not picky as long as the bad stuffs gone!

Pearl, well you've made me appreciate my dentist! Your surgeon cut open the gum? Didn't go in through the tooth? Hmm. I go to the endodontist on Friday. I really don't care how he fixes me as long as he fixes me.

LL Cool Joe said...

Did you know, as you grow older the roots get smaller and smaller until you can't see them on a normal x-ray, then you need to go to a specialist to get them done. Great, I can't wait.

LL Cool Joe said...

See how popular this post is? You should write about your teeth on every post. Hahaha. Okay, sorry, not funny.

Abby said...

Joey, I'm learning more than I ever set out to about teeth and roots and things that can go wrong! I guess if I'm ever struggling for content, I'll fall back on teeth!

Larz said...

I just had to have my problem tooth pulled. Good riddance.

Abby said...

Larz, congratulations. The endodontist seemed to think it a victory that my tooth could be saved, but I wouldn't mind just being rid of the thing.