
Sunday, January 14, 2018


I once tried to learn to play the guitar.  Nothing formal, I had a cheapo guitar and a book and a video (days before YouTube).

I learned a few chords, but eventually threw in the towel because I wasn't willing to put in the time to get good.  I appreciate that people who play the guitar well can manipulate their fingers the way they do.  It was a struggle for me.

This week's prompt at Illustration Friday is "guitar", and I'm remembering my inflexible and uncoordinated fingers.

Wolfgang and Meego can both play guitar, so I really can't blame my fingers, though.  Neither of them has exceptionally big hands or long fingers.  Maybe I should give it another try.  Or start with a ukulele.

Speaking of music, we went to a high school basketball game this week.  Meego plays bass guitar in the pep band, and they always get the crowd good and peppy.  This particular game pitted Meego's school against the school I'd worked at last semester, so I knew several of the players from the visiting team as well as a couple of coaches.

Major bonus for anyone who can spot Meego, who is not  holding a bass, but rather eating Panda Express...

I thought I might feel some loyalty to the visiting team, because I like the kids/players and knew the coaches quite well and liked them too.  But  nope.

It was a close game, and I found myself really hoping for a home team win, and I don't even know ANY of those players.

But I know the band.  And thanks to them, of course, the home team got a win.

After the final buzzer, I recognized the entire security team from the visiting team as well as some administrators on the floor.  There to curtail any rivalry activity, I suppose.

Magnum asked if I was going to say "Hi" to any of them.

I didn't.  We're still in the awkward post-breakup window.

And the hometeam won.  Nanny nanny poo poo.


LL Cool Joe said...

Panda Express?? What is that, panda cooked quickly?

Linda Hensley said...

Nice drawing :) I learned just enough guitar from a book to give myself pleasure but nobody else. I'm glad you're liking the new job. I hope you continue to like it, even come to love it.

Abby said...

HA! Yes, the panda meat is very tender that way :P
(It's Asian fast food - I don't believe it includes any panda?)

Abby said...

Thanks, and I am enjoying the job. I'm better at it than at the guitar!

Ginny said...

Now I miss the Panda Express that was right near my work.

Abby said...

It is good stuff.

ShadowRun300 said...

My hubby plays the guitar. I can barely hold it right. I’d rather listen to him anyway.
I’m so bummed I couldn’t find Meego. Or the Panda Express. :(

Abby said...

I know your hubby plays, so at least there's that for you.
I'm glad Meego plays his bass for pep band rather than his euphonium. The thought of panda express through a horn...