
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

120 minutes to...

You unexpectedly find 120 minutes in your day.  What do you do with them?

We have a 2-hour delayed start at school today because of "inclement weather".  I found this out after I'd been up a while and taken a shower and gotten dressed.

So far, I've used the time to do some productive things:

  • I read a few more pages of the novel I'm currently reading
  • I had the honor of telling Meego he's unexpectedly gotten 120 minutes in his day
  • I went on f*cebook...

Honestly, I don't use fbook much at all.  But I purposely visit some groups as my default feed is quite boring.

This morning, on the bicycle commuter group page, a new member posted seeking inspiration.  She's starting her bicycle commuting today at 48 years old, and says,

"good news is that I work in the ER so I will get to work one way or another..."

That's looking on the bright side.

Even with the delayed start, I don't plan to ride in today, or I likely would end up at the ER.  So I'll miss that part of the day.  The students, in general, seem to like my bicycling ways - noticing Ariel once I started parking her in the room behind my desk.  One of the other teachers calls her my "convertible".

There are no adult bicycle commuters that I know of at school.  One guy says he rides his "bike" on nice days.  It's a motorcycle.  Had to get in his two cents, I suppose.

One morning last week, while it was still dark because we hadn't changed the clocks yet, I saw a light in my rear view mirror.  It was getting bigger, and I soon realized it was another cyclist.  And he was gaining on me.

We got to the portion of big climb, and he passed me.  I felt so wimpy.  But as he did so, I noticed a slight *whirring* sound.  AHA!  He was on an e-bike.  Wimp-no-more me!

But it's really not a race...

Despite there being no others at my work, at least I have that online group.  Remember last week when we posted pics of our bicycles at our workplaces?  This was one of my faves:

Caption says:  "In my office... Under the watchful eyes of the king and queen"


Morgan Cartwright said...

That picture is awesome!

Did it snow already? I like it when schools do late start instead of canceling for a full day!

Jimmy said...

You can get a lot accomplished in a couple of hours, it appears you made the most of your time, seeing as how you were already up and ready that is.

As for the "not a race" I have a feeling you could have taken him anyway.

Abby said...

We've had snow, but no big storms. It was just really foggy and icy this morning. Wheee.

Abby said...

I haven't seen "Electro-Man" since that one morning. Must've been an alien

ShadowRun300 said...

Not sure what’s wrong with me, but if I had an extra two hours suddenly, I think I would just mope around.
Can’t believe you’re already having inclement weather. I’m not ready for that!

Abby said...

Since I had to go in eventually anyway, it was tough to really enjoy the two hours. Now, if they'd given us the WHOLE day - let the moping begin!
Our winter weather usually starts around Halloween. It arrived right on schedule.