
Thursday, February 26, 2015


Okay.  You guys.  Have you seen this?

It's a dress, right?  Just a dress.  Just a BLACK AND BLUE dress?!  So what's the big deal?  How is it that some weird people are saying it's white and gold?  

Apparently, it was posted on tumblr yesterday, and different people were seeing it as either black and blue or white and gold.  Magnum and I came in from taking China for her old lady walk, and Meego asked me what color it was.

"Black and blue.  Why?"

HE sees white and gold.  WAT?

So Magnum comes in to see what we're talking about, and HE says, "it's white and gold".  WAAT?!?

I'm so confused....

What do YOU see??


LL Cool Joe said...

Erm white and gold!

Abby said...


LL Cool Joe said...

Scary! :D

agg79 said...

White and gold.
Is this one of those color blindness tests? Or perhaps one of those 3D pictures where you're supposed to find the hidden pony or car?

Rock Chef said...

Yellow and green!

Abby said...

Another white and gold?? Maybe it's a weirdness test.

Abby said...

Ha! Figures!

lotta joy said...

I've seen this dress so many times and still can't figure out what all the hubbub is about. It's obviously purple and pink and couldn't fit on my left leg. Let's guess the size.

Rock Chef said...

Actually, on my work PC it was white and gold. Now looking at it on my laptop, it is black and blue!

Abby said...

The dress is on drugs.

ShadowRun300 said...

Proof that I AM weird.... I see gold and white. When I get home, I'm gonna look on hubby's computer. Do you think it makes a difference?

terri said...

White and gold for me, blue and black for Mark. I really WANT to see it as blue and black and it bothers me that I can't. I read only enough background yesterday to understand it has something to do with the way our eyes take in light and see color.

Riot Kitty said...

White and gold for me, and I can't see it any other way - Mr. RK says black and blue, and ditto. He explained something about lighting and optics...I said, "IT'S WHITE AND GOLD!!"

Abby said...

I dunno, we were all looking at the same image, first on Meego's tablet, then on my computer. And the results were always the same. So weird.

Abby said...

It is a very curious thing. I can't see white and gold to save my life!

Abby said...

Mr. RK's right. End of story.

Larz said...

Yeah definitely blue and black (science says so!) But I can make my eyes see the gold as well. It's just something to do with lighting. And perceptions of said lighting. And something to do with more highly evolved persons seeing the blue/black. :P

Abby said...

Makes me wonder what else the others are seeing "wrongly"!