
Saturday, November 26, 2011

sunshine award

This award has been sitting in my e-mail for a while now and I'd say it's about time I did the right thing and acted on it!

Linda Hensley, a blogger and wonderful artist I met through Illustration Friday action presented me with it.  It's a total honor since Linda is such a great artist and writer.  Illustration Friday gets a lotta traffic, and I usually just check out a few entries.  I always go see what Linda's come up with, and she typically has a great story to go with her illustrations. 

The rules for receiving the award:
- Thank the person who gave you the award (check).
- Write a post about it (in process).
- Answer to the questions below (here goes).
- Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them know (you all deserve it!)

The questions:

01. My favorite color:  ROYGBIV

02. My favorite animal:  Racehorses (is that one word or two?)

03. My favorite number:  13

04. My favorite non-alcoholic drink?   Hawaiian punch.  Just kidding.

05. I (reluctantly) joined facebook and (as required by my boss) twitter.

06. My passion: (I can't pick just one) parenting, painting, writing, running, bicycling, teaching, but housecleaning not so much...

07. getting or giving presents?  Yes

08. My favorite pattern?  Fibonacci

09. My favorite day of the week?  Tuesday

10. My favorite flower?  The Sunshine Award one of course!


terri said...

Congrats on your award! Totally deserved as you DO bring loads of sunshine to the world. At least the blog world. So I assume the offline world as well... anyway...

I'm gonna go look up Fibonacci now.

Linda Hensley said...

Gee you took your time with this! LOL Glad it gave you some happiness :) I do enjoy reading your blog. You've always got an interesting angle on things.