
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Silver Liningness

Happy silver liningness Sunday!  What a pretty autumn day it is here.  I had an absolutely BeaUtiful bicycle ride this morning. 

And it's really been a good week all around, albeit a really quick one.  I guess time flies when you're having fun? 

Magnum's employee health plan gives us incentives for being healthy/being aware of how unhealthy we are.  It was health assessment time again.  All of my "numbers" were good!   My assessor even told me I "won the prize" for best BMI she'd calculated.  Okay, so she didn't give me an actual tangible "prize", and the people she'd been assessing were all pretty much middle-aged, desk-bound people... but I won "the prize", I'll take it.  And my cholesterol that was getting uncomfortably close to the "bad" zone, has gone down from last year's assessment.  Bring on the omelettes!

And speaking of assessments,  I've been doing some self-assessment type exercises too.  I went so far as to talk to a "life coach" (mainly because it was free), and she directed me to this website with a bunch of free (sensing a theme here?) questionnaires for helping to "find yourself".  And I learned stuff

For instance, I'm really not all as disciplined as some people seem to think.  I run, ride my bicycle instead of drive, practice math problems, etc. simply because I just like to!   No surprise to me, but we'll just let the others go on thinking... 

Magnum and I watched a fun movieBuddy.  It's Norwegian, so you have to read.  We really liked it - Two thumbs up!

On Friday night, I finally took a friend up on her offer to join her and some others for a girls night out.  She's been inviting me to join them for a while, and I've always had other plans.  I'm glad she persevered, though, and invited me again.  Such a nice break from the testosterone, and Magnum and kids got in some Man Time. 

And now, I'm going to go walk the crazy dog.  Because I want to.


terri said...

Congrats on your good numbers - enjoy your omelets!

Some girl time now and then is always good. Glad you had a good time.

Linda Hensley said...

"Free" is always a good thing :) Good for you and your numbers. Mmm... omelettes. I may have to have one too. Like your "Fuel" too. Nice job!

agg79 said...

Congrats on the lower numbers. I know you've been working hard to keep things in check. Now you cab go out and celebrate with an omelet (with bacon & cheese).

I always thought you were kinda fanatical on your running/biking regime. I do like your reasons for though.