The Lady
China, the crazy dog, has completed the first round of her heartworm treatments. Six months of baby heartworm killer and pills. Final round 2, the nastier of the two, is to kill the adults at the vet's next week. Hopefully, all will go well, and she can be a heartwormless dog again. Anyway, got her all prettied up yesterday with an afternoon at the salon. Well, actually, she was just due for a haircut...
The Tramp
With 3 boy children, it was almost inevitable that one or more would bring home a tramp at some point. Happened this week. They pooled some money, made the proper arrangements, and even got me to do the driving. Here she is, Tramp meet the blog. Blog, Tramp.
I would've gotten more of an action shot, but... lightning delay...
I was pretty neutral on the whole trampoline business, but they found this one used, they paid for it, they assembled it. All I did was drive (forever) to go get it and bring it home. A nice piece of the story is that it turned out to be a nice young military family that was selling it. The dad, with a prosthetic arm, was grateful to not have to move the tramp around when he mowed the lawn anymore.
The Walk
Earlier this summer, I learned what I'd long suspected to be true. Network TV SUCKS! (my own personal humble opinion). I really don't watch much TV and we don't have cable or satellite, but with it being summer and the kids having no homework and staying out later, I'd begun turning the thing on just to see what was on it. Never found anything to my liking. So Magnum and I found ourselves just being bored sitting and looking at TV or being bored sitting and looking at each other. I suggested we go for a walk one night. Now it's become a regular evening trudge around the neighborhood. *GAG* like a couple of old folks.
The Talk
Remember last week? When I had that picture of that Chaco contraption and asked people to venture a guess as to what it was? Remember that? How exciting it was??
Well, we had a total of four guesses!
Whodat: Hydrolysis attempt
Kelly: A bong (we really want to party with her now, don't we!)
Terri: A battery
Goes by the name of Anna: "I've got nothing! I'm too technologically challenged to even venture a guess!"
Okay, so technically, that's really three guesses, but I need any attention I can get.
And the winner is... ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding (think "Price is Right" or some such)... Whodat! (applause applause)
Actually, it was electrolysis, not hydrolysis, but he had the correct definition: separating the oxygens from the hydrogens in water and separating them into bottles - Sprite and Pancake Syrup in this case. (No, this wasn't the hair removal kind of electrolysis).
But since Whodat is my geeky brother IRL, he has enough geek points to last him. Now he's got more.
Thank you to all who participated. See yous next week!
MAN! there was a guessing game last week? See if I EVER leave town again!
Yeah, I pretty much knew my guess was wrong,but it was all I had.
The tramp brings back fond memories. My kids enjoyed their's for years before it finally just wore out and we trashed it.
I'm jealous, I always wanted a tramp. My dad said no.
Tramps are fun. Great way to get your exercise and break a leg at the same time.
Been busy at the office and I am sorry I missed the guessing game. Had a few (wrong) suggestions.
Good luck to China. Hope she does well in round 2. Grayson is 3/4th through round 1 and doing well. I know you will be glad when ya'll are past this treatment.
The heartworm treatment sounds gruesome. I hope all goes well for China!
Is the tent set up in your back yard? How fun!
Your solution to nothing on TV is much healthier than ours. We found movies and TV shows online! We should go for a walk.
I have stopped being such a safety nazi about it and am now actually CONSIDERING getting a tramp for my kiddo...(only w. a net, of course) but I am still not comfortable w. the idea...let me know how the kids like it!
If they DO come up with something for that OTHER kind of electrolysis, I'd like to know about it...unless of course it looks ANYTHING like that other contraption, in which case, I shall pass.
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