It so happens, I was tutoring one of Meego's classmates over the summer, and Tuesday morning, just before check-in, was our last session.
My tutee showed up looking crisp and alert. At one point, he was working and a small hair clipping fell onto his paper.
"Oh, ha! I'm shedding!", he remarked, "I just got a haircut".
And I knew it was probably because it was check-in day, which is also Picture Day = photo ID day. I'd been thinking of that because, lo and behold, Meego had actually requested a haircut a couple of days prior! But, alas, I - being the barber of Abbyville - had yet to get around to it.
And there we were. Picture Day was upon us. And there I was, with my crisp looking, freshly shorn student - someone else's kid - while Meego languished in his mop top on the verge of being before the camera.
I think it was band camp that did it. All that hair... trying to stuff it under his hat each day, thinking how much cooler and easier short hair would be.
So he not only requested a haircut, but he said he was seriously contemplating a short haircut, like from the days of yore. Works for me!
Except... I was busy, y'know? The schedules just didn't align properly to get it done before check-in day. So, off Meego went to get his school year ducks in a row. He returned with his fresh photo ID.
Then yesterday, we finally got to the shearing.
He seems happy with it, while feeling a bit weird. There's also some concern about the start of school next week.
When he shows his ID...
will anyone believe it's him?
I have to say the longer hair suits him, and I never thought I'd write that. :D
To be honest, I'd grown pretty fond of the shaggy look. It wasn't easy lopping off those curls. But there was another side of me that was curious to see what Meego's forehead and ears look like.
Low maintenance, for sure (not that the "before" coif was "maintained"....).
Beware sunburned ears! DAMHIK.
Band camp is what spurred Amp into asking for a haircut. He wouldn't dare go as short as Meego's though. He only gets enough cut off to make him "legal" for school.
Meego's a cutie either way. But best not tell him I said so. He's in high school after all! (How the heck does that happen? My baby's a sophomore this year!)
It's really just a different version of wash-n-go.
Meego did get some cold feet (follicles?) when stepping up to the barber chair, but I told him he as already locked into that appointment. Management policy, nothing I could do.
Wow. Meego's in high school. I imagine it won't be long before he's asking for the car keys. I kinda like the shorten version of Meego, gives him a rakesh sort of look. Of course, I've been sporting a low maintenance version 'do ever since I stop playing soldier so what do I know.
I love the shaggy look better, but the shorter hair looks cooler, especially for a band hat in the heat. No, his id will do him no good.
He's already asking for the car keys...
When I gathered up the pile of hair on the floor, I noted that we could make a Meego wig from it. He said we might have to, to prove to his new teachers that he was the guy in the ID photo.
That is quite a change, but does anyone actually look at IDs? Not mine, even when my debit card says CHECK ID. And then when I remind people to look at the signature, they say, "I did!"
He's a cute kid, whether his hair is long or short. Hope he his high school career gets off to a great start.
Those photo IDs though... you've got to wonder what good they are. People get different hair styles, hair colors, they lose weight, they gain weight... and probably lie about their weight on their drivers licenses. Really, I don't think we can put much stock in the photo ID.
My debit card isn't signed. No one checks.
I hope we don't put much stock in photo IDs. My driver's license is awful!
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