Lately, I've been contemplating how much longer I wish to stay on working at the testing center. I've been slowly increasing my tuting while simultaneously decreasing the testing. They are two distinct positions at the college - two different bosses, two different pay buckets.
I'm now down to two short shifts per week in testing plus the Saturday rotations. I enjoy tutoring more, which does coincidentally pay a little better. I'm coming up on four years at the testing center. It was the job that got me in the door at the college, and I picked up the math tutoring later, after getting to know some of the "math people".
I'm actually a bit surprised at how many students sign up for in-person tutoring with all the other resources at their disposal. But there seems to be no shortage of requests, and I can seemingly add more hours at any time.
Test administration is fine, but truth be told, there is little to no creativity in that job. I do enjoy my coworkers. All of us part timers are similar in that we have other things going on, and don't wish to work in testing full time. All of us except for Star.
Star, as I've mentioned before, is young, intelligent, hard-working, without many obligations outside of work. It was a mystery to me as to why she was languishing at this part-time job, and now I get it. I get it, because she's announced she's leaving to accept a full time admin offer from a nearby medical research center. I realize she was building up her administrative experience to enable her to move on to bigger and better things.
So, good for her! Her last day working with us was yesterday, and it was certainly bittersweet. I'll miss her but I'm super happy for her.
Thursday morning, I arrived for my short shift to find Sarge running around, still getting things set up while testers were starting to show up.
"You opened by yourself?", I asked
"Yeah, Boss texted", he explained, "Biscuit (Boss's cat) lost the use of his back legs. Boss is taking him to the kitty ER"
Well, that didn't sound good. Sure enough, Boss texted us a short time later. Biscuit had a big ol' stroke, so Boss had him put down and sent for aquamation, a process I was unfamiliar with before Biscuit.
Bottom line, it's probably not the best time to tell Boss I'm gonna leave.
In other news, the PEO year came to a close and the new year has begun. I agreed to stay on as Prez for one more year. ONE more. Magnum and I visited the big greenhouse down the road last weekend, and I picked up these little plants of appreciation for the other officers from the past year.
They are drought resistant, we'll see how long we can keep them alive.
New slate of officers heading back to the philanthropy trenches:
Maybe now is the perfect time to announce that you are leaving- the loss of his cat is paramount and your news would not be quite the jolt that it could have been. Loss of his beloved pet will make your news seem do-able
What a nice line up of women doing good work!
Linda Sue, I hadn't considered that angle. Get him while he's distracted, hmmm.
Sorry to hear about the loss of the Cat... and the good Co-Worker. Glad the job is going as you prefer that it is and that you have good options.
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