
Monday, March 24, 2025

carriers and ducks

On Saturday, we went to that big honkin' sporting goods store, SCHEELS. Apparently, it's so big, we're supposed to write it in all caps.  

I'd only been there once before, and that was mainly a field trip of sorts to check out the big honkin' sporting good store "everyone" was talking about. We spent a good amount of time there on that visit, just gawking. Didn't purchase anything.

Saturday, I was there to pick up an activity tracker/ fitness watch I purchased online for store pickup. I've never had one, hadn't felt the need. I still don't really feel the need, but I was talking to Chaco last week, and he was telling me about the one he recently got and how much he liked it. I was sold. Mine is not as fancy as his, but good enough for my old lady years.

I got a new phone a little while back. It's bigger than the old phone. Bulky when "fitnessing" about. The watch is a very nice alternative. 

I happen to belong to a running group on facebook. A question that often (sadly) comes up is for women runners - how to protect yourself when running alone on a remote trail or after dark/ before sunrise? 

I've been somewhat surprised to see that a good 80% or more of the women who respond claim they have a concealed carry permit, and carry their gun while running. 

My first thought is, "sheesh, talk about bulky". 

While at SCHEELS, out of curiosity, I searched and checked out the wall of gun toting holsters, belts, belly bands and such - mainly geared toward women. I'm not in the market. 

FYI, most of the other respondents who aren't toting a gun say they run with their big dogs. The last category would be women like me who stick to safe routes, don't wear earbuds, and rely on their wits. I've never had any trouble *knocks on wood*. I think there are plenty others in that group as well who, like me, don't bother to respond.

Speaking of safe places, I snapped these ducks during a recent run when I still carried my big bulky phone. Spring looks to be springing, and there will be baby ducks soon.


Fresca said...

I thought the same thing:

What are the women who carry guns imagining defending themselves against?
Are there cougars?
Of course a cougar would pounce on you before you even saw it and had a chance to draw a gun…
But wouldn’t a human too?
I don’t know…

Linda Sue said...

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free-eeeee-eeeeeee, sang the white males as their women births another kid on the kitchen floor, (where she belongs.) Fire arms, yeah, that's the answer! Now if there is a mother bear on the path with youngins, maybe a gun...Only to frighten and warn- but a mountain lion will get you from behind - you can not outrun that or get your gun out in time for any reason...Run with a pack.Gotta love this gun toting country- where at least you know you're freeeee.

Abby said...

Fresca, my thoughts as well. If a mountain lion or bad person ambushes, the gun's not going to help... and might actually make matters worse.
I think most of the gun-totin' respondents claim that they run on remote country roads. In that case, I guess they would have time to draw the weapon on a suss vehicle that pulls up alongside.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, I was surprised at the number of gun toters, but to be fair, the respondents to the question likely make up less than half the women in the group.
I'd still say that the average urban runner girl is not packing heat... and births her babies on the kitchen TABLE, not the floor, egads!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

What a sad commentary of our country that one feels they must carry a gun. Geez. Another reason I shouldn't jog I suppose. :-)

Abby said...

Peggy, the question comes up often - the group has about 500k members, getting newbies all the time - and the gun toters chime in. I have yet to see anyone claim to have actually used their gun. But, yes, stay safe, you 😊