"I'm so dumb, I think I'm smart"
A student made that remark about himself last week. We chuckled a bit, but I was thinking, "well... he's not wrong..." I don't think he realizes how far in over his head he is.
Meanwhile, I asked the Mom/ wife/ student tutee how her day "off" with the kids went. Not well. She took them to the library, thinking she'd get in some study time, but EVERYBODY took their kids to the library that day, since there was no school and it was fffffrrrrrreeeeezing outside.
"Do you just not sleep?", I asked her.
"Well, no, I guess", she answered, "since I have to get all this done and still have time to fight with my husband!"
I worked today at the testing center since my turn came up for Saturday rotation. I worked with Kitty. Remember Kitty? Coworker of last summer's shotgun wedding?
Kitty had her baby a few months ago, and came back to work in January. Kitty is a fun, rather laid back coworker. Almost too laid back sometimes, as she's not the hardest worker, but she holds her own okay.
She's so laid back, I wondered how she'd be at home with a baby, requiring much upkeep. Thankfully, she seems to really be thriving in her new familial role. She mentioned that she and her husband are enjoying parenthood so much, they're sort of toying with the idea of having another baby. She's in her late 30's, so I was assuming she'd be a one-and-done, but hey, who knows?
Meanwhile, the college library - which also functions as part of the city library system - is renovating its bathrooms. Going all-gender with locking stalls. I'm sure it will ruffle some feathers, already has actually. In the meantime, they've set up a temporary bathroom outside of the library, so of course, I had to check it out and reflect.
It sits out back, next to the observatory
Honestly, the experience was not too shabby. I mean, it's not Buc-ee's but I've certainly inhabited worse facilities. The loo was about twice the size of a typical passenger airline bathroom, which isn't saying much. But it was heated and very clean and well stocked - I'm guessing because hardly anyone uses it since there are other buildings where one can have such needs met
Meanwhile, we finally emerged from the latest polar vortex. I walked home while it was in the upper 40's, and it felt downright hot after the past several days.
The cat got his sunbeam back and doesn't look to be giving it up anytime soon.