Like many others, we're in the deep freeze. I'm looking forward to Tuesday, where we're forecast to be in the balmy 30's again.
This past week was rather busy as the college is getting ready for students to return for spring semester. I was supposed to work on Saturday, but the snow shut that down. I wasn't disappointed. Campus is also closed tomorrow for the same reason. Classes were off for the holiday anyway, so, again, not disappointed.
- One night last week, there were these mystery booms that woke us up around 2:30am. They weren't particularly loud. To me, they sounded eerily like someone was gently tapping on our sliding glass door *tap-tap-tap (pause) tap-tap-tap...*
Magnum jumped up after hearing them. He thought it was our water pipes about to burst, so went to put all the faucets on drip. Funny how two people can interpret the same weird noise.
Anyway, it was neither of those things. Later, our Ring® notifications were full of people talking about the strange noise - gunshots? fireworks? - heard for miles around. They remain a mystery.
- Recently, I bought a cute 6-inch cast iron skillet for whipping up quick, healthy snacks and meals after coming home from work (2nd lunch?)
I like cooking with cast iron anyway, and it works nicely with our induction stove we purchased last year. Plus, maybe I'm rather partial to cartoon weaponry?
Anyway, Magnum noticed the merits of the mini skillet. But alas, one of its virtues is that it serves as both cooking vessel AND serving dish. As such, I was monopolizing the cookware whenever I used it, which is often.
So we went wild and bought a second one.
I mention this only because of our neighbors across the street. They're a friendly couple - late 30's, I'd guess. Both professionals. No kids.
A couple of years ago, Wife bought a Tesla Model Y. This week, she bought another one, and Husband got the hand-me-down. Now they've got his 'n' hers Teslas.
The skillets are our way of keeping up with the Jones's.
Totally the same thing.
6" cast iron ware is far superior to a Tesla, I can verify that in REAL life! We have both and if the house caught on fire I would leave the tesla in the garage to bake and would take the little skillet with me, It is pack sized and useful, Tesla , not at all . Besides - who comes to mind when someone says "Tesla" you are ahead of the "joneses" in that respect.
Linda Sue, Ha! I've actually heard similar sympathies from a few Tesla owners-by-marriage.
Now I want one! Mini-cast iron skillet, that is. Next one to get donated to my workplace is mine!
What do you cook in it???
Who wants a Musky Tesla anyway? A skillet is much better.
Fresca, I checked our local thrift store and then ran out of patience. I imagine such a thing would go fast - you get first dibs!
It's great for using up leftovers or veggies, potatoes... whatever you want. I like to add rice, make a little nest, and crack an egg in the center. More fun than a peanut butter sammich.
Liz, I'm sure the whole block is envious of us now.
I'd take the pan over a tesla. I love my cast iron skillets. Oven, stove everything. Easy to clean with just some salt and I keep 'em oiled so I love 'em. Made a small pizza in our little one for Rick one time. It was so good he made it again in a bigger pan. I mean why eat a personal size when you can be a pig and eat a full size. :-) What I wanna talk about is the conduction oven. I HATE my electric oven since moving here. I love Gas. We were told if we got an induction we had to get rid of all of our pans. So we stayed with this damn electric.
Peggy, we had a POS electric stove when we moved in.
For an induction cooktop, your pots and pans need to be magnetic - iron or steel. Put a magnet on your current cookware. If it doesn't stick, the pan won't work on an induction stove. I only had to chuck one of my pots.
Now I'm thinking... pizzaaaaaaaa
You are hilarious... I hear a lot of the Tesla catch on fire, so your Skillet is probably built better. *Winks*
The little skillet is so cute (and doesn't make you think of Nazis)!
I have one of those little skillets too and love it. As for cars, we both own Hondas but I think it's a bit cheesy to own two of the same model.
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