Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow USAians! This is a quiet one for me as Magnum, Wolfgang, and Meego all went to our niece's (Magnum's sister's daughter's) who is hosting the gathering of family. I've hung back to be zookeeper to our dogs who can't be left alone for the time it takes to drive to niece's, feast, socialize, drive back.
No worries, I figured I'd get some things done around the house that need doing, spend a little time homeschooling myself on that math refresher... Those plans went out the window shortly after the guys left.
I was stir crazy and, instead, took each of the mongrels for a decent walk. That's my purpose today, afterall.
The college students have the whole week off, so my tutor calendar is empty empty. I worked a shift in the testing center on Monday, and that's been it for my college obligations. I'm basking in free time until Monday.
What's everyone else up to today?
I hope it's a grateful one.
Walking the dogs sounds a good thing to me, so a Thanks Giving for that.
Chris, I'm grateful for the dogs and their walks :)
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