
Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Just finished cleaning out my email inboxes. Aaah, so satisfying. Last night, my [PEO] chapter had an "offical visit" - an audit of sorts. Health checkup of sorts. Happens about every 4 years.

Since I'm currently the chapter prez, I feel I was in the hot seat the most. I think it went well - a few glitches that were out of my control - but we survived. I mean, what're they gonna do? Fire us? Anyway, the "test" had been looming on my calendar for a while, and now I'm glad it's in the rear view.

I am a bit concerned about one of our officers. She seems a bit spacey in recent months. I don't know her all that well outside of meetings, so maybe that's just how she is, but I'm seriously wondering if her mind is going. 

So that's behind me, now back to mediocrity.

I've noticed a return of the men's mullet. All the rage in the late 80's - early 90's, it seems to be making a comeback.  Can't say that I'm a fan, but people can do what they want with their own hair.

And like any other fashion, it looks good on some, not on others.

A year or so ago, at the testing center, we had a man come in somewhat regularly, testing for water professional certifications. He had a glorious mullet that actually looked good on him (really, we all agreed).

We proctored him better than average, if y'know what I'm saying.  Proctored the sh*t out of him, admiring his luscious hairdo, whenever he came in for various levels of certification. Plus, he was just a nice guy.

And okay, we nicknamed him "Water Treatment Fabio"

He came in again last week for another certification after his ~yearlong absence. He'd shaved the mullet. Very short on top now, fading to nothing in the back and sides.  It was Party Girl who first realized it was Water Treatment Fabio. She remembered his real name, and when his face seemed vaguely familiar, she put it together. 

I hope we didn't make him too self conscious when we all registered our surprise at his new appearance. But certainly, we couldn't have been the only ones. The mullet was really that glorious. 

I asked if he missed his mullet at all.

"Yeah, sometimes", he replied, while rubbing the stubble on the back of his head.

I kinda miss it too.


Linda Sue said...

mullets sort of made sense- in the late 70's , while in Melbourne, there were many guys with mullets- hair out of face, longish in back to keep the sun off necks so I don't know but as practicality in the land down under -they were just everyday hair cuts.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Gee, someone looked good in a mullet. I'll be damned. I have never seen anyone who looks good in a mullet. I need proof, where is that pic you're hiding of Water Treatment Fabio?

Bohemian said...

There are some Styles and Fashions that shouldn't make comebacks and I'd have to say the Mullet is one of them IMO. *LOL* Of coarse, some things we Loved when they were Trending now are comical or we realize were not a good idea. *Ha ha ha* And then there are others that are Timeless and Classics. It's all quite subjective really, isn't it? I like some of the Edgier Styles the Young People are wearing, if I were Younger, I would definitely have gone in that direction. *Smiles* Of coarse, my Kiddos and Grandkids all say I'm not your Garden Variety Mom/Grandma... not too many Older White Ladies with Dreadlocks down to their Ass... winks.