
Monday, September 30, 2024

can't take it with ya

The weekend, she was a good one. I'm feeling much lighter, but not necessarily in a good way. We dropped a lotta cash.

I mentioned we were looking to get a new vehicle that could get us around in snow and into the boonies. This after years of me yo-yo-ing between getting such a thing or giving up a car for the bike and rent something as needed.

Well, screw it, we (I) honed in on a vehicle I liked, did a bit of research, looked around for one, ended up traveling to Cheyenne Wyoming for our new acquisition. 

Cheyenne is a quick trip from Fort Collins. The dealership was friendly, had several for us to choose from, with lots of wide open space for test driving. Highly recommend.

In the meantime, the screenhouse? It's progressing nicely. The roof is complete. We just need a couple doors, and it's a thing.

We keep reminding ourselves, "we can't take it with us". Still, after years of frugality, this is not the norm for us. 

Yesterday, I went for a lovely hike. Just me and Meego. He invited me to check out [Button Rock Preserve], so we did that. It was a nice hike and a nice catch-up with Meego. As the youngest kid, he sort of fell in with this ready made family. 

I hadn't really realized before, but he wanted to know more about who we were 😂

For one, I explained the relatively large age gap between him and Wolfgang. How Chaco and Wolfgang arrived - *bang* bang*. After a couple of miscarriages, we finally got Meego. Born on Mother's Day no less (he knew about the Mother's Day birth, at least).

Life, religion, family, relationships - easily the deepest, and longest, conversation I've had with him. Oh, and the hike was nice too.

Anyway, really nice time. Now it's Monday. Carry on.


Linda Sue said...

What is that vehicle- I really LOVE it! I want it! Cheyenne is quite far from here but i would do it and drive back to the PNW, a happy person!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, the funmobile is a Hyundai Santa Cruz *said with much Spanish accent flair*

Bohemian said...

Love your Screen House, we'd like to enclose our Back Patio in a similar way, it already has a Roof and I'd like to install both Screen and Victorian Architectural Salvaged Stained Glass Windows and Old Salvaged Doors to make what I call a Soul Temple Room that is visually stunning. A Designer in Cali first made them and a Magazine did an Article on it Years ago, which I Saved and have used as Inspiration and would like to Create now we've got a Forever Home. We too are frugal and yet it is True, you can't take it with you. A New Vehicle always feels so good... I bought a New Truck in 2024 and don't regret it even tho' I don't like a Vehicle Payment and the cost of a Truck now is as much as a Home used to cost. *LOL and Le Sigh*