
Sunday, July 28, 2024

spin me right 'round

This week seemed to have gone by fast, but I have no explanation as to why it feels that way other than the old "I'm getting old" adage. Either way, I figured I'd recap

  • As I sit here, I see the referral from my dentist for the oral surgeon regarding getting a bone graft for that hole in my head. I've done nothing further than to tack it to my bulletin board. Still mulling.

  • Wolfgang moved this week. Still lives in town, just moved from one address to another. He now has central air (glorious!) and we have a set of snow tires in our crawl space.

  • Coworker Sarge has quite the green thumb. He brings in excess bounty on nearly a daily basis. I've adopted this nearly perfectly formed zucchini. 

I'm not sure yet what I'll do with it. I'm feeling like a good zucchini bake would do it justice, but the thought of turning the oven on during the peak of summer (unlike Wolfgang, we do not have central air) is not appealing. Its fate awaits.


  • I had a tutor session with two delightful students who are dreadfully unprepared for their looming calculus final exam. As we slogged through the mountainous instructor-provided review, we came to a question involving a sphere inside a cube a la:


They began to ponder what to call such a thing (as a way to avoid actually answering the question posed, I imagine) and happily came up with the term, "SQUERE"(square + sphere), with preferred alternate spelling, "SQUEER".

Both students happen to be gay, so we all laughed at this more than we otherwise would have. 


Marty said...

I have a suspicion that your students enjoy your company.
As for me, I'd last less than 1,000 micro minutes with calculus.

BootsandBraids said...

Zucchini and Tomato stir-fry. Just sayin.

Fresca said...

Hi, I popped over from Linda Sue's... I wanted to say it's nice to hear about people laughing! SQUEER! I'd just blogged about how grim most of the NYTimes "100 best books of the 21st century" are--but I take hope from a new campaign slogan--maybe you've seen:
Ka-MALA: Make America Laugh Again.

Chatty Crone said...

I have no idea even what that problem was about!
The zucchini looked good - chocolate zucchini cake - zucchini bread - or zucchini boats with hamburger inside and cheese on top.

Abby said...

Marty, hmmm, well I usually enjoy the students... usually.

BootsandBraids, stir fry is doable!

Fresca, hello from Linda Sue's! I googled "MALA". T-shirts, hats, etc. already.

Chatty, the problem was about ballons. Math is so fun! I'm liking the zucchini boat idea.

Liz Hinds said...

How would you make a zucchini bake, please? Good to have green-fingered colleagues.

Abby said...

Liz, that IS the question. I really like zucchini, and zucchini bread just isn't enough zucchini for me (but will do in a pinch). I'm picturing a casserole that is ~ 90% zucchini, but I haven't looked for a recipe yet. Gotta be at least one, right?