
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

mammos and mamas

"You have a birthmark on your back?"

"Oh... uh, yeah"

"It's cool!"

"Hmm, thanks?"

Yesterday was a typical Monday. I did a shift at the testing center, came home and had an online tutor sesh. Afterwards, Magnum and I took the dogs for a walk before the predicted storms moved in. Mid dog walk, I suddenly remembered...

"Oh sh*t, I have a mammogram in about 15 minutes!"

I handed Penny's leash to Magnum and high tailed it home, trying to get the optimum balance of speed without working up much of a sweat - out of courtesy to the mammographer. I'm not sure what made me suddenly remember my appointment, maybe a mammogram angel. Anyway, I got to the clinic just in time, acting as if nothing was awry.

The mammographer was friendly as has always been my experience. I think being personable and competent are both parts of the job description considering the procedure. 

In between all the groping and squishing, she made the comment about my birthmark, which I often forget is there. The birthmark is quite large, and not really a single mark, but more of a splotchy pattern covering a good portion of my left upper back.

Some say that birthmarks are indications of how we died in past lives. I figure maybe I was a 3-pack-a-day smoker?

Either way, I'm glad that humiliation is over for another year. Thank you, mammogram angel.

In other news, we did attend coworker Kitty's shotgun wedding reception on Saturday. It was a nice, chill, intimate gathering at a pleasant outdoor venue. The weather cooperated nicely. 

There was an arch where a photographer was capturing pics of the evening. All except for Grandboss, Party Girl, and Sarge showed, and Kitty asked for the coworker contingency to take a few snaps.

We did a few poses for the photographer, and Magnum took a few like this one captured between poses. I think it's a more realistic display.

I'm contemplating if we should really be in charge of a pricey component of people's professional futures.


Allstarme79 said...

LOL I love the outtake photo. I have a good number of those in my collection. My husband has the portion of the back of his left upper arm that looks like a gazillion freckles tightly packed together. No one really knows why he has it but now you got me thinking...

Chatty Crone said...

I love the photo as well. You look good in green!
And I hope your mammo has GREAT results.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Great photo. I hope you have great results from the ole mammogram. I find that they are always so darn nice and personable. As you said, "I'm sure it has to do with the situation and I'm thankful for that!"

Abby said...

Allstarme79, sounds like a birthmark on your husband's upper arm. I'm sure he died doing something heroic.

Chatty, thanks! I'm expecting another boring mammogram result. Boring is good.

Peggy, I've never met a mammograper I didn't like... DESPITE the situation!

Danielle L Zecher said...

The outtake photos are usually a lot more fun than the posed ones.

Glad you remembered your mammogram appointment in time. I think you're right about it being necessary to be personable doing that job. I hate the process, but the people have always been nice.

I've never heard that about birthmarks before, but that's interesting. I only have a few that look like large freckles scattered around, so probably not from anything interesting.

Liz Hinds said...

It was definitely a man who invented the mammogram!

Abby said...

Liz, had to be!