
Sunday, May 5, 2024


Since the semester's winding down, I've been able to indulge in more playtime/ escapism/ however to categorize it. When I'm playing with my art toys, I typically stream a movie to keep me entertained. Perhaps, more importantly, it gives me a time limit, so I don't get lost and totally neglect my adult responsibilities.

Recently, I watched the movie [Waiting], which was a silly movie I'd never seen but had heard of. It's about a staff of young restaurant workers, and pretty realistic (been there, done that) Ryan Reynolds comedy. I kept that in mind and had low expectations, so it worked out and I drew some apples.

Magnum and I have been watching the [Shogun] miniseries on Hulu. Or I should say, Magnum's been watching it. I'd taken to doodling while it's on, and I've got big gaps in my following along because it's mostly in Japanese, and I don't speak Japanese. I understand it's quite good. I'll vouch for the cinematography and costuming being well done, and I got a spider kid drawing out of it. 

Yesterday, I streamed [Border], which is Swedish, but I'd seen it before while not distracted, so I was able to follow along even though I don't speak Swedish. 

"Border" is an interesting story for lack of a better word. Have you seen it? It's realistic fantasy? If that's even a thing. It pulled me in, having me wondering where the heck it's going. Then it goes somewhere, and I was all, "What??", and it goes somewhere again to where I was all, "WHAAATT??"  Add a few more "WHAA-HAAAAATT??", and that's the movie Border.

I can't even really explain the plot, and I think it's best to watch it, not knowing a thing. I will say that I did not watch the final one third or so during this second viewing.  The subject matter becomes too disturbing for my taste at that point. I still recommend attentively watching it, though.

Anyway, I got a Bucee Beaver statue out of it.


Linda Sue said...

Well now, that there Bucee is darned cute! Makes me crave a bag 'O balls!
Thanks for the recommendations, Pass on shogun but the others look enticing. I finally just watched The Holdovers.Free on amazon prime.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, The "bag 'O balls" cracks me up 🤣. I've yet to try them.
Holdovers looks really good!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Well it looks like Bucee stuck with you. :-)

Is it the Shogun that was on years ago or new?

Abby said...

Peggy, this is a new Shogun. I watched a bit of the beginning, but didn't like the main character so much and lost interest.

Allstarme79 said...

We watched the first 3 episodes of Shogun but then hit a snag because we just got too busy and then started watching more theater movies, to use the rest of our free tickets before we canceled this one app. I liked it so far though. I also forgot college was ending, now that I don't really work on campus anymore. Nice here because there's a lot less traffic.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, ooh, I had forgotten about the less traffic effect! Always a good thing.

Liz Hinds said...

I do love your drawings. They're so good.

Abby said...

Liz, aw 🤗

The Happy Whisk said...

Great drawing. Not heard of those shows. Happy watching!