
Saturday, May 6, 2023

life gets warmer

The high school near us serves as the school district stadium. There is a raucous track meet happening there currently. I can hear the announcer calling athletes to their events, bringing back memories of my track olden days in high school. Butterflies in the starting blocks. Better them than me.

It's a beautiful day for a track meet, actually. I'm liking this spring weather. Each day lately, when I emerge from the front door, this guy is hanging out.

He knows he's gorgeous and happily poses for photos, but has yet to let me pet him. He belongs to a family across the street, so I'm not feeding him. I think he just comes over here to taunt our cat, Napolion, whom we no longer let outside. 

Technically, it's against the law to let cats roam about willy nilly, but plenty of cat owners do it. We decided we'd abide the law, much to Napolion's disgust.

Yesterday was my last tutor session of the semester, so I've got downtime on the schedule that I'll try to use wisely. Monday will be busy busy with testing for the last day of finals. Then onto the quiet lull of summer semester.

I caught a bit of King Charles III coronation through news networks this morning. Not the long, drawn out pomp, but a 2-minute "cliff notes" version. So much royal regalia. Plenty of comments on Harry's absence on the balcony, since it's just for "working royals". Funny, no mention of Andrew *ahem*

The nice weather and royal pomp reminds me to reserve my spot for the annual Tour de Corgi.

It'll be here before we know it!


Chatty Crone said...

What is the corgi thing?
So Harry wasn't on the platform - I haven't seen anything about it yet - They sure do have pomp and circumstance there.
That cat is pretty.

John Holton said...

Very handsome kitty! Hope he'll let you pet him soon.

Abby said...

Chatty, you've survived the move?!
I don't really follow the royals, but they can be difficult to avoid. Harry was apparently at the coronation, then abruptly left for the airport.
Tour de Corgi is a local event that features a costume contest, several Corgi themed booths, and a slow, waddling parade. Good times.

John, I think the cat is starting to warm up to me. Maybe I need to bring treats.