
Sunday, April 23, 2023

nerdz, forgotten and steamed

A couple of weeks ago, temps got to about 80 F. Hot. I stashed most of the winter clothes and brought out the summer collection. 

As expected, that jinxed the whole thing, and this week we got back to 30's and snow. Not bunches of snow, though. Just enough for muddy pawprints throughout the house.  It won't stop the impending heat.

Yesterday, Magnum and I bundled up for an old-folks-go-get-coffee walk. We decided to dust off our geocaching archives, we haven't gone geocaching probably since before covid. 

I was surprisingly able to remember the username and password and learned that we'd logged 97 caches. Three more and we'd hit triple digits. Excitement ensued.

We noticed a couple of caches along the way back home, so set out to find them. In our freshly caffeinated states, we managed to make quick, satisfying work of the little treasures. So here we sit at 99.

Geocache no. 99 for the nerdz

At work, I guess Boss's status has finally been upgraded to reflect his promotion. A new nametag - we refer to it as the "vanity plate" - arrived for him last week.  And now it appears as though there is no one to approve time sheets for us lowly part-timers - a.k.a. all of us except for Assistant Boss. 

There's been no talk about who or what will be in place of Boss's previous position, but I'm at least expecting to get paid next payday per someone's approval?  We have job titles, but maybe we should just start going by "The Forgotten".

The semester is winding down, stress levels are high among the tutees. Although some tutees don't seem as fired up as others, suggesting they're already planning for a do-over next semester. As a student, I don't recall ever considering taking a class more than once, but I see it happen with surprising frequency. 

In other breaking news, I made steamed rice instead of boiling it on the stovetop (no thanks, I don't want a rice cooker)

It came out perfect. Why had I not thought of this sooner?


BootsandBraids said...

Geocaching sounds a lot more fun than Pokémon Go.

Abby said...

Well, I've never Pokémon Goed, but I think geocaching is way more fun.

Allstarme79 said...

We did geocaching for a little while when the kids were little - haven't for a while but I am betting the apps for it are a lot better than they were 7-9 years ago.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

It looks cold. I have never gone geocaching and not sure I understand it.

Danielle L Zecher said...

We've had a cold snap, too. Thankfully, we haven't had snow, but we have had frost.

I hope someone approves your time soon! That would be an unnerving message to get.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I think geocaching would've been fun with our kids when they were little, but we didn't discover it until later. Their loss!

Peggy, it was strangely cold, but not blustery.
Geocaching is kind of like an Easter egg hunt, except the "eggs" are all shapes and sizes, and you put them back after you find them. It's a good way to explore new places.

Abby said...

Danielle, Boss was made aware :). He's got HR working on it.

Jeanette said...

Geocaching is something I've always been interested in but never pursued.

Abby said...

Jeanette, never too late to start 🙂