
Saturday, April 1, 2023

a star

I typically have a couple of books I'm working through at any given time.  And I'm not one that "must" finish a book if it's just not doing it for me.  It's been a long time since I've read one that's left a lasting impression.

In fact, I had to go to my goodreads shelf to see what I've read recently. Most all have been mediocre at 3 stars out of 5. The most memorable recent read, I didn't even add to my goodreads shelf because it was SO ridiculous. 

The ridiculousness is what made it so memorable. Here are a few tidbits:

  • The main character takes a job as a nurse practitioner in a corrections facility and is advised not to give out any personal information to the inmates she treats. She immediately divulges personal sh*t to just about everyone she meets on the first day.
  • The main character does all sorts of other stupid/ditzy/weak things, too many to mention. How did she graduate nursing school let alone become a NP?
  • A ten-year-old boy gets off the school bus after school, walks to his house. The people inside know he's home when he RINGS THE DOORBELL. To go into his own house. 
  • Main character wants to find two people who walked into the forest from a house after a fresh snowfall. But she has no idea which way they went... WALKING AFTER A FRESH SNOWFALL.  Gosh, if only they'd left some sort of clue.
  • The 10-year-old boy, who is small for his age, manages to shake a tree hard enough to have big ass icicles fall from the tree. A tree large and sturdy enough to have 3-inch diameter icicles form on it would be very hard to budge. Then the small boy manages to kill a healthy grown man with one of those big icicles. He's apparently a good baseball player.

I mean, c'mon! Is proofreading not a thing?? Editing??

I'll admit that the kid ringing his own doorbell bothered me for longer than it should have. 

I'm not even going to say the name of the book or the author because it was just SO so bad. But I'll include this blurb:

#1 Amazon bestselling author [blankity blank] is a practicing physician specializing in brain injury who has penned multiple Kindle bestselling psychological thrillers and medical humor novels. She lives with her family and black cat in a centuries-old three-story home overlooking the ocean, with staircases that creak and moan with each step, and nobody could hear you if you scream. Unless you scream really loudly, maybe.

She's apparently published 22 books, which is 22 more than I've ever published. This one has an average rating of 4.19 stars. 

Maybe I have a brain injury.


Linking up with Mama Kat for the prompt

4. Book review!


Linda Sue said...

This is SO inspiring. I think that I could write a best seller, for amazon,too.
Ringing his own door bell is not that farfetched, I had friends who had to announce their presence, very formal family. They also had to make an appointment to see their Mom. And , yes, They did grow up with "issues".
Snow science is another thing, common sense!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, write one! "psychological thriller" seems to be an easy genre to break into?
I had troubles with the doorbell thing. Yes, it's possible for some kids in strict or formal families. But this was a single mom and her kid in a smallish town. Kid promptly dumped the backpack and went to play video games after ringing the doorbell and being let in - no reason for it, and I was all *wait, what?* The incongruencies abounded.

Marty said...

Arrgh! Grinding my teeth in sympathy.
HOW do these people get published?
Then again, living proof of the dumbing down of the world.

Chatty Crone said...

You know they do seem a little simple - but maybe they were an okay read???

Jeanette said...

That book would have annoyed the hell out of me! One good thing about getting my books from the library is if it doesn't grab me in the first few chapters, I won't waste another minute reading it!

Abby said...

Marty, right? This author seems to crank out the books like an assembly line.

Chatty, I didn't have high expectations, and the story wasn't bad - except for main character's numerous stupid decisions - until about the halfway point when things really got ridiculous.

Jeanette, fer sher! I only get fiction reads from the library. This particular book should've gone into the DNF pile, but I actually finished it to see how bad it could get.

Patty said...

For some reason, the doorbell thing grabbed me. And then, I remembered why.

At my job, there's a bell on the salon door; when we're open, lights on, there are a couple of clients who bloody LEAN on the damn bell as if someone is supposed to run and open it for them.

And, if a library book was handy, I'd likely throw it at them!

KatBouska said...

The real question is, who recommended this book to you? And will you ever trust them again. ;)