
Sunday, July 8, 2018

we're so... uhm... proud?

The pickup please truck is coming tomorrow, I'm pleased to know.  We've been happily decluttering, but it seems like a never-ending activity.

Who has read  "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying-Up"?  I've spoken of it here before, so won't beat that dead horse, but know to count me among the believers - joy sparking magic and all.

We've been doing okay with it, and I need to bag up some stuff now for the truck tomorrow.     As I was making a final pass for this current haul, I came upon this lovely:

Meego brought this home this past week, with proud display.  Yeah, it's a trophy.   A first place trophy.

See, he'd gone to a friend's birthday party, which involved a photo scavenger hunt.  How fun, right?  And he got first place.  Whatta guy, right?

He went on to tell us that his team actually got fourth place overall, but his particular act was so good, he was voted the overall individual winner.

Of course I wanted to know, what did he do? *omg*

One of the scavenger hunt tasks was to "get a stranger to help you".  Oh, easy enough, right?  Let's brainstorm, shall we?

  • Ask someone for directions to a place
  • Have the shortest member of the team ask someone help them reach an item on a high shelf
  • Intentionally drop and spill some grocery items or such while others are nearby

A lot of possibilities here, right??  So, what'd they come up with?  It's somewhat chilling, I've seen the video...

Meego chose the most crowded aisle at Walmart, proceeded to walk down it a ways before bumping into a shelf and collapsing onto the ground.

Some people asked if he was okay, but that might not cut it as "helping", so he remained motionless until a nice lady touched him on the arm and helped him up.  Win!

And I'm thinking, THAT for a dinosaur trophy?!  What if someone would have called 9-1-1?

Thankfully no one did, and Meego's friends "arrived on scene" to assure everyone he was fine, just maybe a bit dizzy.

I'm CERTAIN no one thought the teens were on drugs... *ahem*  WHO are those kids' parents??

Luckily (?) I had just recently read an article about typical adolescent behaviors and coping strategies for parents.  One of the strategies mentioned thinking back to when we were their age - before we got all wise and stuff.

Yeah, admittedly, back then, I would have happily collapsed in a busy Walmart aisle in order to win a hideous birthday party trophy.  *SIGH*


Chatty Crone said...

I have never heard of anything like that - I bet he had fun though. I constantly de-clutter as they are all bringing more stuff in.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I think I need to read this book Abby.

Abby said...

Chatty, photo scavenger hunts sound like fun. Lying on the floor of walmart, not so much.

Margaret, it was a timely read for me. A lucky read for Meego.

Ginny said...

I think I'd rather make my own trophy than attempt that Walmart move.

ShadowRun300 said...

I guess I fell asleep last night before I could publish my comment, and now I gotta start all over. Sure sign I’ve been working too hard...
Anyways, I’m all about winning a trophy, but I”m not sure I’d have been brave enough to pull off a stunt like that. But gottta admire the creativity and acting ability!

Unknown said...

I am the wrong kind of chap for scavenger / treasure hunt.

Not really into talking with strangers or go somewhere unfamiliar.

But glad that you are having lots of fun :)