I ran in a road race this morning. An actual organized, pay-a-fee, get-a-t-shirt road race. Omigod, it was so much fun!
A DECA (a high school marketing association to which no one seems to know what the initials stand for) group at the local high school sponsored this 5K to raise money, not for them, but for the Disabled American Veterans. I don't typically sign up for 5K's because I prefer longer races - it takes me about a whole 5K to warm up.
This race sounded like a good time though, and certainly for a good cause. Originally, Wolfgang thought he might do it to - which was part of my own motivation. He ended up NOT - slept in instead. But also, the race happened to start and finish about 5K from my house. SHOOT, I just ran over there, ran the race, ran back home.
And... AND, I won! Not tops overall, but I won first for the "ladies". Looky at my loot in the above pic:
* One memorable certificate with my name mispelled
* One $15 Road ID coupon
* One $5 Pizza Time gift card
* One $25 Biaggi's (ristorante Italiano) gift card
* Four shiny safety pins!
* (not pictured - one t-shirt)
Guess who's not cooking this weekend ....
....not that I typically do anyway.
Woo, congratulations! I'll use you as inspiration to keep on with doing C25K - my pathetic self will get there eventually!
i ran the creepy crawl today, down near your neck of the woods.
Now I am having sevier ankle pain and can't sleep.
I think it is gout and not at all related to teh 5k, but nevermind that.
I didn't win, but your awesome.
My wife did the rock and roll marathon a couple weeks ago.
Hey, that's Awesome!
Are you motivated to sign up for another? :)
Congratulations! Must have felt great to come in first!
oooh, Biaggi's is one of my fave spots - esp for lunch. I love their tomato soup and the salad combo. And then chocolat-choc. chip gelato. YUM!
I'm sure you didn't even break a sweat for a 5K. Pretty nice gifts, even if they got your name wrong. I used to do a lot of 10ks a few years back until I started running out of places to keep the shirts. Those can be real fun (and addictive).
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