
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the sound of chainsaws in the morning

I take back the whining I did about the snow that last couple of weeks.  That was nothing - a few flakes covering the grassy areas.  Here's the photo Magnum sent his boss this morning:

It's the view from our garage.  Our big tree out front lost a few limbs from this latest snow - heavy, wet, lots of it.  We got about half a foot or more.  Backyard didn't fare much better

School kids got a snowday.  Sheesh, high school seniors have already graduated! 

But at least no tree limbs fell on the house or did any other damage.  We've just got some cleanup to do.  Neighbor across the street has a huge poplar that lost several branches.  He says he wants to remove the whole thing, but the missus wants to salvage the tree.  

"I've got some negotiating to do", he says.

I wonder if Mother Nature is up for some negotiation?


Chatty Crone said...

I don't think I will move to Colorado. Sorry I haven't been around it my grandson's graduation weekend and we had tons of company. Good luck getting out.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this snow storm. A customer this morning calling from Colorado Springs telling me all about his storm. I was just bitching about 91 degrees yesterday and high humidity. I won't do that anymore. I don't want snow. Even for Colorado isn't this a bit rare?

Annsterw said...

Oh ick Abby! That is awful! I am so happy we are over that for least for a few months! What a pain in the rear!!! Good luck digging out and I am praying for a hot spell for you! HUGS

Abby said...

Chatty, unless you run a tree service, Colorado is not the place to be right now. Congratulations on Andy's graduation!

Peggy, for what it's worth, I'd say 91 degrees and high humidity is bitch-worthy. And yes, we do get spring snows, but this was more than expected.

Ann, Thanks it's already melting. Flood time!

Linda Hensley said...

I'm going to quit complaining about my long, cold spring. Many sympathies for your snowy ordeal. As for vaccines, I got chicken pox by the assigned play date with the neighbors. I also had measles twice. The school forced me to get a measles vaccine anyway. It worked. It gave me measles again. I hope I never have to deal with it again.

Abby said...

Linda, omigosh, you've been a one-person measles "outbreak"!

Lorraine said...

What part of Colorado do you live in? I know a few people that would like to relocate to that state. I was curious so I checked the real estate in one particular area and the only thing I could afford was a front door. lol Thanks, by the way for adding me to your blog roll. :-)

Abby said...

Clamco, you're welcome :)
We live in Colorado springs - in not one of the ritzy parts of town.