
Sunday, October 14, 2018

body mousse and the bionic girl

We had our P.E.O. fundraiser shindig last night.  By the end of the night, all of the wine and food was gone, and we'd sold all of the auction items.  Success!

I don't know the total headcount yet or how much moolah we made, but either way, it was a fun night.  Mag and I brought a white wine that supposedly pairs well with cheddar cheese, so I made some vegetarian quesadillas from a recipe I made up on the fly that included cheddar cheese.

I wanted to bring something vegetarian since I'm trying to not eat things that once had a face, and to have something to offer others in the group that don't eat things with faces.  The quesadillas were actually quite good, I'd say.  Maybe I should try making recipes up on the fly more often.  Or maybe it was the wine talking...

Anyway, it was a good time.  This was our second annual wine fundraiser.  I missed it last year because, well, this is high school marching band season, and that was Meego's thing.  We used to do Oktoberfest which had been successful too, but was more work to throw - all those brats!  Wine and potluck works better.

I also "won" some body mousse from the silent auction.  I really wasn't interested in buying anything, but, all proceeds go to the philanthropies.  One of my P.E.O. sisters teaches engineering at a local high school, and she's quite interesting and  knowledgeable about geeky things and also makes a crappy salary.  As such, she sells Mary Kay on the side.

Among the auction items were a few Mary Kay things, from whom we all knew.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm not in the target audience for Mary Kay items, but I saw a canister of  "body mousse" and was all, "What the heck is 'body mousse'?", and nobody really knew.  So I asked the Mary Kay Teacher Sister, "What the heck is 'body mousse'?"

She said it's like lotion, but thicker, "more like 'body butter'".

...which left me wondering what "body butter" is, but at that point, I decided to just bid on the darn stuff.  And now I own it.

Another highlight of the evening was the bionic girl.

See, the couple who hosted have three adopted Chinese daughters in addition to their four biological kids.  The youngest daughter was born with an incomplete arm - it ends just above where her elbow would have been.

Daughter had recently gotten this cool new prosthetic arm, and we all knew about it because her mom/our sister has been working on getting the arm, and there were several hurdles to clear, etc.  Daughter recently got it and began using it, just in time for homecoming, no less (she's 16).

I and others wanted to see it, of course, but didn't want to be all, "Hey Sis, bring daughter out and make her do stuff with her arm!"

But, without us needing to be obnoxious about it, Mom and Dad had her mingle with us while they talked about how cool the thing was, and Daughter did a few demo moves.  This isn't her arm/hand, but close enough:

 Anyway, it's pretty cool what these things can do.  And hers isn't even the most advanced.  I was impressed at how dexterous she was with the prosthetic, considering she just started using it after being one-armed her whole life.

Friendship, wine, faceless food, charity, body mousse, bionic Chinese adopted girl.  Three hours well spent.

*and I've fallen behind on Inktober, but so bet it...*


Chatty Crone said...

That really sounds like an interesting night - and I love the little or 16 year old girl was helped.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I love body butter but never heard of mousse. It's great for dry skin!
Sounds like a fun night. However, did the girl mind every one making her do parlor tricks with her new prosthetic arm? I think that would have bothered me, like I was a freak show.

Abby said...

Chatty, it was a good time. Wish you were here :)

Margaret, the body butter/mousse is the bomb! Just in time for cold dry winter. The daughter probably minded a little bit, but was a good sport. The whole impromptu "presentation" lasted maybe 10 minutes.

ShadowRun300 said...

Yay! Glad your PEO fundraising gig was a success!
My hubby has given up eating anything with a face or anything that came from anything with a face due to a scare at the doctor’s.... I have not given it up, but now I’m curious as to why you have? If you’d like to share.,...

Abby said...

SR300, Hubby's gone full vegan? I hope the "scare" wasn't too scary!
I mainly turn down the faces from guilt after seeing some slaughterhouse video footage. I still have the occasional chicken and fish (YES, I know, they have faces!), and I get sad thinking of life without eggs...

Ginny said...

Body mousse? That's a new one. Let us know what you think of it.

ShadowRun300 said...

I’m very proud of him. I know how hard it is to change eating habits. He didn’t get good news from the heart doctor, and since heart problems run in his family, he decided to take action. More power to him! I’m fully supportive, but continue to eat eggs in front of him. Cuz yeah, life without eggs....