
Monday, October 29, 2018

trash and fur

Here I sit, looking at trash.

No, I'm not watching porn, my trash is sitting at the end of the driveway.  That's where I put it last Thursday night.  Almost everyone on my street has their trash sitting at the end of their driveways.  Trash truck avoided us on Friday trashday.  Not the first time this has happened.

I called.  Some neighbors also probably called.  "Relief Driver" is coming tomorrow.  I'll believe it when I see it. 

I don't like to post negative reviews online.  I think, in general, people give feedback when they're either extremely satisfied or extremely dissatisfied.  I don't read much, "Uh... yeah, it was okay I guess".  Except for books and movies.  I've seen plenty of 3-stars for books and movies, and I'll give bad or mediocre book reviews, always with the disclaimer that it "just wasn't for me".  But for products and services, I'll sometimes give 5-star reviews or keep  my  mouth shut. 

So I won't go online and trash the trash service.  Relief Driver's coming tomorrow.  Right?

Anyway, ready for some pet pics?  The cat was probably not too happy with me after last week, but he seems better now.  He can't stay mad at me.  But he had pretty good reason. 

First, I stuffed him into his cat carrier (not without a fight) and hauled him to the vet's for his annual checkup and shots.  He's not a fan.

On Saturday, Chaco's pooch, Ella came for a sleepover while Chaco was out of town.  Ella and Napolion are still quite wary of each other, so we do a bit of pet juggling when Ella is around. I'm seeing progress, though.

We took Ella for some good walks.  I'm convinced she would walk for days and ask for more.  Wouldn't stop moving in order to get a nice photo with the ducks. 

I put her in the dog run while I was working in the yard, partly to give the cat some couch potato time and partly for her to keep me company.  She is perpetually smiling.

The Inktober 2018 challenge is about to come to an end.  I managed a few more submissions, but it looks like my Inktober is going to spill into Inkvember

Do YOU give online reviews for products and services?  
Are you professionally subjected to client reviews?  
Pros and cons?


Annsterw said...

Great drawings as always!! I love Stretch!! LOL!!! I do leave reviews...either stellar service or are right; nothing in between ever for me. Not sure why. I just want to save others when I post a negative one...I have unfortunately had a lot lately!!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I deplore reviews but I too read them.
I hate them here. We have all 5 stars. One idiot wrote this long review of how wonderful our work was, how easy we were to work with, how clean the techs left the home and lastly how fabulous the work looked, even better than she could have imagined. BUT 2 yrs later she got a leak behind her walls. Once they found it, it had done damage to the tub and caused rust, therefore she is ripping it out. We should have been psychic and known this would happen because we took her money to repair her tub and then 2 yrs later a bad leak in her wall did this. Why is that our fault? She had to gut the wall and therefore time to remove the tub Crazy ass people. She said all these nice things and then gave us a 1. Then she used a fake name. Called them on it and she stated who she was. I have come to dislike people in a big way.

LL Cool Joe said...

I do write reviews on Amazon but as you said the problem is I tend to write them when I'm either delighted with something or pissed off because it's really bad. When something is just okay I don't bother.

I love your drawings!

Linda Hensley said...

I'm so glad I don't have to shove a kitty into a box. My puppy thinks going to the vet is fun. Nice drawings! I especially like "stretch".

ShadowRun300 said...

Yep. I agree. Stretch is the winner of this round. :)
Surveys play a big role in how I’m viewed as a GM, so a lot rests on how our guests feel about us. Occasionally we get the guests similar to Margaret’s girl... who blame us for things that are obviously not our fault.., and those people put me in a really bad mood. Thank goodness they’re few and far between. The ones I really dislike though, are the ones who say “They deserve a 10, but everyone can improve.” And then they give us all 9s. Hmph.

Chatty Crone said...

Your drawings are amazing. I always wished I could draw like that. I have given reviews but I usually do them for things I am pretty sure I am going to like! lol

Abby said...

Ann, I kinda feel the same way when some biz does me wrong - "I need to warn the others!", but end up leaving it to the other wronged customers ( Pep Boys)

Margaret, I hear ya. When I'm reading reviews and see that most are good with a few one-stars in the mix, I take those low reviews with a grain of salt (a.k.a. they're probably idiots). Non-idiots don't expect their contractors to be psychic, do they?

Cool Joe, yep, either super delighted or pissed off. It's how we roll!

Linda, I think cat boxing should be an Olympic event. I might have a shot at the podium!

SR300, hotel guests can really run the gamut, can't they? I used to think some had to be grouchy ALL.THE.TIME. Why not just stay home? All 9s? sigh.

Chatty, I'm trying to stick to the only-positive-reviews policy, so will talk myself out of providing a negative one. I had several 5-star reviews on google and accidentally deleted them when I was cleaning some phone apps recently. I probably won't be missed?