
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I guess I'll give him the credit

Here I sit.  Teary eyed and sniffly.

No, I'm not being sad and dramatic.  I'm being allergic.

I've blogged about how I began getting allergy shots about a year ago at my ripe old age of 50+.  I blogged about the initially smug doctor who didn't seem to believe that such an old lady would be getting tested for the first time.  I blogged about his changed demeanor after I'd failed his tests miserably.  I blogged about how I go to get shots and sit among a bunch of sugared up little kids who take copious amounts of candy bribes to deal with their allergy shots.

About a month or so ago, I had a follow-up with Dr. Jekyll (so nicknamed because of  his smug/friendly personality).  He gave me a once-over and asked the typical follow-up things.

During the appointment, I realized:

  • I had not snorted any Flonase®️ in quite some time
  • I can walk around like a sober person
  • I don't have what feel like marshmallows for eyelids
  • I can breathe

He also asked if I'd had any troublesome insect stings, and I reported that my don't-look-like-a-flower strategy seems to be holding.  No stings since the timely one that landed me in his office in the first place.  

I concluded with, "I think the shots are working".

To which he responded, "Oh, they're working!" with that touch of smug I've learned to know and love tolerate.  I was all, look at him taking all the credit. What about my lifestyle changes?  Don't I get a gold star too?  

I went in last week for my weekly injections.  I get two:  one for molds and the other for weeds, grasses, trees, and just about every other kind of plant on the planet.  

Geej, my shot giver, showed me a nearly empty vial of the weed etc. antigen.  

"We ran out of this one and need to make up another batch", she said apologetically.  "Sorry I didn't notice it ahead of time to have it ready for today".

I looked around at the manymanymany vials of antigen in the room - each one specifically formulated for its individual patient.  I didn't fault her for not noticing that one of mine was low.  I took my mold shot and left without raiding the candy basket.

So yesterday, I was working in the yard.  I ended up sniffly and a bit puffy.  I'm still sniffly and a bit puffy.

REALLY, allergies?!  ONE missed hit of antigen?!

Okay, Dr. Jekyll.  I concede


LL Cool Joe said...

Don't allergies have an 8 year cycle or something? I used to have awful hay fever and then it suddenly went away. Maybe you'll get lucky in a few years time. Until then keep taking the meds!

Abby said...

Joey, I'd never heard that, but it makes sense. Wouldn't being exposed to allergens be kind of like getting the injections? They probably do wax and wane. I have heard of people who went through the whole shot business having to start up again years later :\

Unknown said...

I am allergic to rude people, hahaha!


Thanking God Almighty that I have no allergies.

But I may cause allergy to my students... some of them avoided me like the plague!

Chatty Crone said...

If they are working I would continue to take them - lol - you are feeling better!!!!!!!!!!!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I've been told that these allergies lie dormant in our bodies and something will trigger them and out they come. I've had 2 dr.'s tell me this. Is it true? WHo the hell knows. But gee, Lucky you. Once I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I changed my eating. I no longer have allergies, get shots, or need any type of medication. It has been a wild ride since my diagnosis and except for missing most food groups, I feel the best I have felt in my life. Weird isn't it? I hope you get some relief because allergies are worse than any cold because they don't go away in a week.

Abby said...

Ramzu, you're funny and scary at the same time!

Chatty, thanks. Seems they're working, so I'll keep on for now.

Margaret, I think diet influences a lot of things, so good for you for being proactive! My allergies aren't so bad, but my biggest problem is that they mess with my right inner ear, and it's like being drunk without the fun part.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Abby, okay, being drunk without the fun part is no fun at all. I got it. so maybe get drunk? LOL