
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

besides, it's not like I can cook

The house feels huge and quiet and strangely clean now that it's just Magnum and me.  I suppose we'll get used to it eventually. 

It's always felt a bit this way when school starts up again, but this is a little more permanent with no one coming home at the end of the day.  But yes, school is back in session in our neck of the woods.  I don't feel that connection anymore, though, now that we don't have any kids in the school system.  Plus...

I'm no longer a lunch lady.  Can't say that I miss it that much.

Last semester, I took a job with the school lunch provider in our district with the end goal of working in the front office.  A few positions were open to me at the end of my "front line" stint, but I made the decision over the summer to hang up the chef coat.  With online tutoring becoming more mainstream and us *finally* getting high speed internet, I decided to focus my efforts there.  So far, so good.  In fact, this is a busy time with HS seniors hoping to rock their college entrance exams.

Besides, it's not like lunch ladies will ever go away.  Will they?  The bosses told me I can go back whenever I want.

It's not like I don't have fond memories.  I miss my fellow lunch ladies - Gayle, Rita, Young Mitch -  and their shenanigans.  I recently dreamed I was back in the kitchen with all of them.  I felt strangely nostalgic when I woke up.

Maybe I'll stop in for a surprise visit.  I'll go around Halloween, disguised as a health inspector.

...because that happens.


LL Cool Joe said...

I can relate. Well not the lunch lady bit, but the empty house with no kids in it anymore. It takes some adjusting. My older daughter still comes from uni for the holidays, but she's in her final year, then what? My younger daughter now has her own council flat for her and the baby, and that's a 20 minute drive on the motorway and I I see her once a week. My mother is now in a home so doesn't need me to care for her, and my partner has a new job running a travel company, so isn't around much. It's all pretty depressing really.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Okay, first I love that horse parts and more testicles meme. That cracked me up.
My mom is a lunch lady. It still cracks me up. She began this at the ripe old age of 65. The stories she tells. But I am sure you know.

School is back in session here. I don't have kids so I don't feel that difference in the same way. I see and feel it by all the back to school sales and the back to school no tax on school clothing. (don't tell but I take advantage of that and I have no kids) But I feel it in other ways. No kids when I walk the dog during the day. Instead, kids at the bus stop always wanting to pet my dog. :-) And of course, all my neighbors who are teachers bitching more than the children.

ShadowRun300 said...

I used to think I couldn’t wait to have the house to ourselves. And then suddenly we had the house to ourselves... and I missed them immediately. Still do in fact. But I don’t want them to move back home. :)
I don’t miss anything about working in a school. It was fun for a time, but I’m much more suited for the job I’m in now. Sounds like you can say the same. Tutoring seems to be.a good fit for you - keeps you challenged and offers a lot of reward. Glad to hear your internet is finally good enough to support it!

Chatty Crone said...

I had no idea you tutored on line - I am going to jeep that in mind. I Know that strangely quiet you are talking about.

Abby said...

Joey, it is a bit depressing - not feeling needed anymore. Good thing we've got blog friends!

Margaret, I'm sure your mom's got some stories. Lunch Ladyhood is actually a great option for older-folks-returning-to-the-workforce. And, you go get those tax breaks! You may not have kids, but you pay school taxes!

SR300, I feel similar. I miss 'em, but it's better they're not still at home! And I've realized that, just as with some kids, traditional schools aren't the best fit for some adult employees :).

Chatty, I'm really enjoying tutoring online. The biggest challenge is keeping everyone's time zones straight! Hit me up if you want the blog friend discount :D

Ginny said...

That is a big change and will take some getting used to. Try to keep yourself busy and maybe run around the house naked ha ha.

Abby said...

Ginny, Ha! Actually, I tried that, but the cat says he's the only house member allowed to do that.